Saturday, May 2, 2009

Aut Mori is NOT for Me!

The circus was in town this weekend, and I was able to get free tickets from work, so Felix and I decided to take Talia.

We went and saw Ringling Bros. last year and it was a pretty impressive show. This circus was called "Aut Mori", which I had never heard of, but a circus is a circus, right?


Worst. Show. Ever.

The circus's slogan was "Aut Mori. The Circus with a Purpose". The William Shatner lookalike ring leader never explained what the purpose was, but I'm pretty sure it was to bore me to tears.

The circus had elephant and pony rides set up before the show started, and I REALLY wanted us all to ride one. Until I found out it cost ten bucks. A person. No thank you.

We walked over, and I couldn't believe these pachyderms weren't in any sort of enclosure, and you could pretty much walk right up to one and touch it if you wanted.

That picture isn't even zoomed in at all. That's really how close we were. So anyway, once we were actually RIGHT THERE, I got a little scared.
All I could think about was one of those poor creatures going ape shit and stampeding. I made sure we quickly got out of its path, but definately had my BlackBerry ready to shoot video of the impending stampede so I could send it into Spike TV's "Elephants Gone Wild".

Even though our seats were pretty good, the show really, really sucked. Two people would come out at a time and perform...juggle, encourage dogs to jump over hurdles, that sort of thing. Pretty lame.

I wouldn't have minded so much if it wasn't for the clowns:

I was trying to take a picture that captured the utter creeptasticness of these guys, but none of the ones I took do them justice. It literally was a gaggle of middle-aged-to-older men who had crappy face paint on and sweatpants. All I could think about was how excited all these pervs were to be around small children. *shudder*.

Bottom line: If the "Aut Mori" circus is in town, even if the tickets are free...I recommend staying home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has Ashley written all over it!! You are always so eager and excited by everything, even the circus. I can't wait til you see your Christmas present, ha!!

love, mom