Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Scrambled. Well done. Almost burnt.

Have you ever seen the movie Runaway Bride with Julia Roberts? Well, in it, her character eats plates and plates full of different kinds of eggs because she realizes she doesn't know what HER favorite is. She always bases her likes/dislikes on what whatever man she's seeing likes. For example, if her boyfriend likes poached eggs, so does she! Sunnyside up? Sure! The whole point is, she finally realizes she needs to figure out what kinds of eggs SHE likes.
One of my news years resolutions (among the many...lose 15 pounds, don't be so judgemental..blah blah blah) is to figure out what kind of eggs I like. Not really egg, I already know my favorite.
I don't know what made me think of it today, but I realized I (and probably lots of other women) base many of my likes and dislikes on whatever the man du jour likes. For example, one of the guys I was seeing in college drank Captain and Coke. That was his favorite drink at the bar. So? I drank Captain and Cokes, because they were SO GOOOD! Now that I think about it, I'm not that fond of Captain Morgan. Or at least it's not my drink of choice. With Felix, I drank Michelob Ultra and MGD 64 because that's what HE liked, and it was just easier to agree. Guess what? MGD 64 tastes like ass. I hate it. As a matter of fact, I've figured out my beer of choice (unless I'm getting something special at a bar) is Coors Light. I like it. I don't care what you think.
In a lot of aspects in my life, when I look back, where I thought I was easy going, I was actually being complacent. I'm not going to be complacent anymore.
Another I ALWAYS like the same music as whatever guy I like. It's not that I don't LIKE the same music, but with Felix I listened to a lot of R&B and hip hop because that's what he liked and always listened to. I like R&B and hip hop. I think I might actually have a little gangsta in me, BUT it's certainly not my favorite. Do you know how much great music I've missed out on in the last 3 years?! I'm catching up now, and trying to figure out what I like. So far, I like a pretty eclectic mix. I'm not one of those music snobs that tries to find deeper meaning in it, but if it makes me feel good, I like it. I've been exploring iTunes alot, and I'm finding a lot of great stuff that I like. Right now, I'm listening to an iTunes mix and it includes: Train, Pearl Jam, Lil Wayne, Alicia Keys, Shakira, and Kings of Leon.
So, that's one of my resolutions, and I think it's a pretty attainable one. Finding out things I like. It's not like its a really tough thing to do, it's one I'm looking forward to.


Steph said...

i'm proud of you.. my favorite eggs.. eggs benedict.. yummm!!! richy makes great holllandaise sauce.

Anonymous said...

You go girl...haha I just had to say that!!!!!!!!! lol

love, mom

PS that is how I like my eggs too, coincidence?

L said...

I'm a scrambled eggs with cheese kinda girl...but that could be because every time i try to make eggs any other way, i mess it up and they end up scrambled! Some bands you may want to check out as well: The Kills, Mates of State, Black Keys. I got more where that came from if you need suggestions!

Labor of Love(lace) said...

I hate eggs!!

Ash I think you have your first know what that means??



Unknown said...

Ironically I never liked eggs til my husband started making eggs with onions, mushrooms, oregano, basil and awesomeness. You'll like it when you like it. Your music is awesome- you got a little ghetto in you!