Thursday, January 21, 2010

Someone Got Paid to Write This?

This is one of the dumbest stories I've ever clicked on. I honestly can't believe I wasted 2 and 1/2 minutes reading it. The title was something along the lines of "Jobs that Go Beyond 9-5". I thought it would be an interesting article about certain careers that involve extra work outside of the actual office. Wrong! Don't even bother clicking on this link unless you were unaware that firemen work around the clock, and not just during business hours.

That's all I got on a Thursday.

Weekend. Soon. Please.


Anonymous said...

Well I got nothin' either. Only that Morgan has left for school and her Idog keeps barking and growling in the other room. I cannot,for the life of me, make it shut up. I may have to take out the batteries. Yikes it just howled.... At least it doesn't poop on the floor.

love, mom

L said...

Way to go on the 2.5lbs! I tried to do the SBD when i worked at a bagel and pastry shop. It didn't go over too well. DC is about 6.5 hours from Charlotte. Looking for a mid-way rest stop point?