Sunday, February 28, 2010
Such a Proud Aunt!
My sister-in-law Jackie sent me a video on her cell phone today that showed Brady taking EIGHT STEPS ALL BY HIMSELF! When I saw him a week ago, he could take almost one before falling. It was so cute because he gets this huge grin at the very end...definately brought a tear to my eye. I'm trying to figure out how to post the video on here, so once I do, you all can see it for yourself. Don't worry mom, I'm trying to figure out how to email it to you first. I'm just cell-phone-technologically-retarded. Hopefully I'll get to update this post with the video soon!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Overheard in the Grocery Store.
I cruised through Giant Eagle tonight to grab a few things and was standing in the frozen food aisle when I overheard the following conversation between a little girl and her apparently soon-to-be-stepfather:
little girl: "Are you married?!"
man: "no"
Little girl: "Do you have a girlfriend?"
man: "oh sure! I have lots of 'em!"
little girl: "REALLY?"
man: "Suuuuure!"
little girl: "Does that mean you're cheating on my mommy?!"
man: "Oh trust me, I couldn't cheat on your mommy. Your mommy would cut something off of mine that is really important."
little girl: "oh"
little girl: "Are you married?!"
man: "no"
Little girl: "Do you have a girlfriend?"
man: "oh sure! I have lots of 'em!"
little girl: "REALLY?"
man: "Suuuuure!"
little girl: "Does that mean you're cheating on my mommy?!"
man: "Oh trust me, I couldn't cheat on your mommy. Your mommy would cut something off of mine that is really important."
little girl: "oh"
Thursday, February 25, 2010
What's Wrong with Being Emotional?
When a certain relationship came to an end several months ago, a certain ex-boyfriend told me one of his big problems was that I was too emotional. He was too scared to tell me anything because he didn't like me to cry. And apparently I cried all the time. Not really cry, but I'd get upset and my feelings would get hurt. So, he kept things to himself because he didn't want me to cry. So, to prove him wrong, during our long, drawn-out breakup, I would do my best to keep a straight face, even while I watched him packing up boxes with all of his stuff, because I began to see crying as a sign of weakness. And I was successful. For what it's worth, I kept my crying to a minimum and was really proud of myself, like I proved to him I wasn't a wuss.
But- since I've had the last 3 months to think about stuff, I've decided that that kind of pisses me off. (Not pisses me off in an "I hate him" sort of way, but just realizing that he's wrong). And it was an excuse...he was trying to put the blame on ME for not being able to talk. It's a load of crap. Anyone that knows me knows that me being emotional comes with the territory. It's just the way I am. I've tried to change it and I've decided I don't want to. It's me. It's the way I am. I think I have some pretty incredible people in my life, and a lot of close friends, so I must be doing something right, right? Plus, I tend to be extreme on both ends. If you've made me cry, it's because I care about you and I have very high expectations of the people I care about. If you disappoint me, then it's because I hold you in such high regards that I just can't believe you'd do anything to disappoint. Does that makes sense? Also, if I'm able to cry easily, I'm also able to love alot. And I do. I don't think it should be considered a bad thing that you might make me cry because I love you. My parents make me cry sometimes, and it's because I love them. I want them to be safe and happy and healthy. Same with my friends. If they're in pain, sometimes it makes me cry. Because I want them to be happy. And I care about them. Is that really a bad trait for me to possess? I don't think it is.
But- since I've had the last 3 months to think about stuff, I've decided that that kind of pisses me off. (Not pisses me off in an "I hate him" sort of way, but just realizing that he's wrong). And it was an excuse...he was trying to put the blame on ME for not being able to talk. It's a load of crap. Anyone that knows me knows that me being emotional comes with the territory. It's just the way I am. I've tried to change it and I've decided I don't want to. It's me. It's the way I am. I think I have some pretty incredible people in my life, and a lot of close friends, so I must be doing something right, right? Plus, I tend to be extreme on both ends. If you've made me cry, it's because I care about you and I have very high expectations of the people I care about. If you disappoint me, then it's because I hold you in such high regards that I just can't believe you'd do anything to disappoint. Does that makes sense? Also, if I'm able to cry easily, I'm also able to love alot. And I do. I don't think it should be considered a bad thing that you might make me cry because I love you. My parents make me cry sometimes, and it's because I love them. I want them to be safe and happy and healthy. Same with my friends. If they're in pain, sometimes it makes me cry. Because I want them to be happy. And I care about them. Is that really a bad trait for me to possess? I don't think it is.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
It's happened. I thought I grew out of American Idol and I wasn't interested anymore. I only watched one audition show, and luckily, it was the "Pants on the Ground" episode. Here's the video in case you missed it:
Tonight, there was NOTHING on, so I decided to watch the top 12 guys sing. Unfortunately, there were a few I really enjoyed, and I've decided I like Ellen as a judge. So, now my DVD is set for a series recording. Crap, I thought I was over this show!
Tonight, there was NOTHING on, so I decided to watch the top 12 guys sing. Unfortunately, there were a few I really enjoyed, and I've decided I like Ellen as a judge. So, now my DVD is set for a series recording. Crap, I thought I was over this show!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Remakes of Old Songs.
Iwas listening to Pandora tonight while getting ready for work. For those of you who aren't familiar with Pandora (mom), it's a music website that allows you to type in a song you want to listen to, and it generates a "radio station" of similar songs. So, I'm straightening my hair, putting on makeup, doing the whole pre-work routine, when a familiar song comes on by an unfamiliar artist. I went over to my laptop to see who was singing one of my all-time favorite Otis Redding songs, "These Arms of Mine", and was surprised to find out it was Joan Osborne. Remember her? WHAT IF GOD WAS ONE OF USSSSSS...JUST A SLOB LIKE ONE OF USSSS...from the mid 90's? Anway, so as I listened, I decided I REALLY liked her version of the song. And then I felt guilty, because shouldn't I like Otis Redding's version better?! I remember exactly where I was when I heard Redding's version for the first time. It was a routine on So You Think You Can Dance a couple years ago, and I was sitting in my recliner at the old place, and all I could think was "MUST. DOWNLOAD. SONG. IMMEDIATELY".
That got me thinking about remakes of songs. Are there any that you prefer the newer version compared to the original? Off the top of my head, I can think of another one. "Simple Man". I like Shinedown's version a lot better than Lynyrd Skynrd's.
That's all I got for today. Peace.
That got me thinking about remakes of songs. Are there any that you prefer the newer version compared to the original? Off the top of my head, I can think of another one. "Simple Man". I like Shinedown's version a lot better than Lynyrd Skynrd's.
That's all I got for today. Peace.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Happy Music Monday!!!
This song has been stuck in my head for at least the last week. The words aren't very happy, but DAMN this song's catchy!!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Perks of Living Alone.
Turns out, living by myself definately has its advantages. Take today, for example. If I was still living with Felix I could never have done the following:
*Gone to bed at 3:00 AM after four hours of watching Weeds on Netflix Instant on my laptop, in my bed, while eating peanut butter toast and drinking Diet Dr. Pepper.
*Woke up at 7:30 AM, watched four more hours of my bed...on Netflix.
*Made lunch, went BACK to bed around 1:00 pm.
*Slept until 7:00 PM until it was time to get ready for a new work week.
I feel like that sort of laziness can't possibly be tolerated by a live-in significant other. If not the laziness, at least the crumbs in the bed.
Today was a good day.
*Gone to bed at 3:00 AM after four hours of watching Weeds on Netflix Instant on my laptop, in my bed, while eating peanut butter toast and drinking Diet Dr. Pepper.
*Woke up at 7:30 AM, watched four more hours of my bed...on Netflix.
*Made lunch, went BACK to bed around 1:00 pm.
*Slept until 7:00 PM until it was time to get ready for a new work week.
I feel like that sort of laziness can't possibly be tolerated by a live-in significant other. If not the laziness, at least the crumbs in the bed.
Today was a good day.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Uh Oh Spaghettioooos!
I know all of you are eagerly awaiting my recap of Sunday and Monday in CT, but it'll have to wait. It's Friday night at 10:55 and I'm laying in bed getting ready to watch some more of Season 4 of Entourage. Pretty low key night. Had dinner with Sally, and we went and saw "Shutter Island". Best movie I've seen in a LONG time. I HIGHLY recommend it. It finally convinced me Leonardo DiCaprio is a decent actor, and Martin Scorsese knocked it out of the ballpark once again with is directing skills.
Now I wanna relax and watch some TV. Peace out!
Now I wanna relax and watch some TV. Peace out!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
CT Trip: Day 2.
I was so thankful I had my own bedroom at the house in CT, because I was in DIRE NEED of some sleep. I'd say I got about 5 or 6 hours in before finally waking up around noon. Awesome Ashley was making biscuits from SCRATCH (who does that?! She does! that's who!), Braband was frying up some bacon (and eating most of it in the process, I might add), and I was fiending for some coffee. They have a coffee maker, but no coffee to be found, so Braband was nice enough to take me down the road to Dunkin Donuts. I tried their new white chocolate iced latte lite ( pretty great, but french vanilla is still my fave). Let me backtrack a little bit by saying Ashley and Braband have a beautiful dog named Indy (I think he's a chocolate lab, and his full name is something like Indiana Jones McBraband). Indy likes to go for car rides. Indy is also still a puppy...but he's a HUGE 90-pound puppy. He didn't really warm up to me Friday night, and Saturday when I came out of my bedroom he growled and barked at me and made me scream. Well, Indy came with us to Dunkin Donuts. On the way back home, he slipped off the backseat and fell onto the floor. Since he's a puppy, he's a big baby, and that scared him. So, he hopped onto my lap in the front seat, and I rode back to the house with a 90-pound pup on my lap. But I'm glad it happened, because Indy and I were buddies from there on out.
But--I digress. So, after we ate some biscuits with the most delicious strawberry jam I've ever tasted (seriously), we all showered and I got ready for my big tour of ESPN!!! Pat, Braband, and I headed over to the campus, and Braband lasted about 43 seconds before he "had to get some work done" and disappeared. He's a very important man at ESPN now, so it's cool. Pat began showing me around, and the place is AMAZING. I wish I was more of a sports fan, because I'd totally try to get hired there. I got to sit on the Sports Center set (pictures below), and got to meet some of the gazillion people Pat knows (he knows everyone everywhere he goes, always). I was feeling a little hungover (it could've been the 5 Hour Energy's Pat and I had been guzzling for the past 12 hours, but who knows?), and was REALLY not feeling up to doing anything. But we rallied the troops, piled in the car, and headed down to a restaurant called Moe's. I'd say it's CT's version of Chipotle, but not QUITE as good. So me, Sivillo, Pat, Braband, Ashley, Kyle and Andrea ate some burritos and chips and salsa, and I must say I felt like a million bucks after that. I was rarin' to go! Kyle and Andrea had something else to do, so the rest of us walked over to the theater to see Valentine's Day. It was soooo cute! Pat paid for me to get in, which was AWESOME, and when I asked him if he was going to be my Valentine's Day date, he ignored me. Typical Pat reaction. But I know he loves me. Anway, after the movie, it was back to the house to get ready for the shindig they were throwing later that night. I met a lot of great people (Rochelle, Nicole and Shiff being my favorites!) and we had a great time. Braband and I played beer pong and I definately was to blame for us losing. I suck at beer pong. Eventually everyone left...then eventually everyone went to bed except for Sivillo and I...we chatted for a bit and I headed to bed. At 5:30 am. WTF. 

Tomorrow I'll recap my last day and a half!! Stay tuned!
I was so thankful I had my own bedroom at the house in CT, because I was in DIRE NEED of some sleep. I'd say I got about 5 or 6 hours in before finally waking up around noon. Awesome Ashley was making biscuits from SCRATCH (who does that?! She does! that's who!), Braband was frying up some bacon (and eating most of it in the process, I might add), and I was fiending for some coffee. They have a coffee maker, but no coffee to be found, so Braband was nice enough to take me down the road to Dunkin Donuts. I tried their new white chocolate iced latte lite ( pretty great, but french vanilla is still my fave). Let me backtrack a little bit by saying Ashley and Braband have a beautiful dog named Indy (I think he's a chocolate lab, and his full name is something like Indiana Jones McBraband). Indy likes to go for car rides. Indy is also still a puppy...but he's a HUGE 90-pound puppy. He didn't really warm up to me Friday night, and Saturday when I came out of my bedroom he growled and barked at me and made me scream. Well, Indy came with us to Dunkin Donuts. On the way back home, he slipped off the backseat and fell onto the floor. Since he's a puppy, he's a big baby, and that scared him. So, he hopped onto my lap in the front seat, and I rode back to the house with a 90-pound pup on my lap. But I'm glad it happened, because Indy and I were buddies from there on out.
But--I digress. So, after we ate some biscuits with the most delicious strawberry jam I've ever tasted (seriously), we all showered and I got ready for my big tour of ESPN!!! Pat, Braband, and I headed over to the campus, and Braband lasted about 43 seconds before he "had to get some work done" and disappeared. He's a very important man at ESPN now, so it's cool. Pat began showing me around, and the place is AMAZING. I wish I was more of a sports fan, because I'd totally try to get hired there. I got to sit on the Sports Center set (pictures below), and got to meet some of the gazillion people Pat knows (he knows everyone everywhere he goes, always). I was feeling a little hungover (it could've been the 5 Hour Energy's Pat and I had been guzzling for the past 12 hours, but who knows?), and was REALLY not feeling up to doing anything. But we rallied the troops, piled in the car, and headed down to a restaurant called Moe's. I'd say it's CT's version of Chipotle, but not QUITE as good. So me, Sivillo, Pat, Braband, Ashley, Kyle and Andrea ate some burritos and chips and salsa, and I must say I felt like a million bucks after that. I was rarin' to go! Kyle and Andrea had something else to do, so the rest of us walked over to the theater to see Valentine's Day. It was soooo cute! Pat paid for me to get in, which was AWESOME, and when I asked him if he was going to be my Valentine's Day date, he ignored me. Typical Pat reaction. But I know he loves me. Anway, after the movie, it was back to the house to get ready for the shindig they were throwing later that night. I met a lot of great people (Rochelle, Nicole and Shiff being my favorites!) and we had a great time. Braband and I played beer pong and I definately was to blame for us losing. I suck at beer pong. Eventually everyone left...then eventually everyone went to bed except for Sivillo and I...we chatted for a bit and I headed to bed. At 5:30 am. WTF.

Tomorrow I'll recap my last day and a half!! Stay tuned!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
OK, here's a complete recap of my trip to Connecticut:
Thursday Night.
I decided to spend the night at my friend Jody's in Pittsburgh because she's only 45 minutes away from the airport, and I hadn't seen here in awhile. Plus, she's in the process of selling her house/finding somwhere to move/and is happily, newly in love. All of which contribute our visits being fewer and farther between then they had been. Her boyfriend dave came over (he's a keeper), and we ordered pizza, had a few glasses of wine, and went to bed fairly early.
Friday, I woke up at 5:00 am because I couldn't sleep. I contribute it to my crazy-ass work schedule, and the fact that I was SUPER EXCITED to see my friends in Connecticut. Let me explain these guys: The "group" in Connecticut consists of four great guys I was great friends with in college: Sivillo, Pat, Braband, and Kyle. After college, Kyle got hired at ESPN in Bristol, and the other three slowly followed, which is amazing and awesome. Now- all living in one house is Pat, Sivillo, Braband and his awesome girlfriend Ashley, and another girl, Nemi. Kyle's girlfriend (now fiance) moved up to CT and they live in an apartment (condo?) fairly close to everyone else.
Anyway- So, me being the time-Nazi I am, I left Jody's around 7:45 am to have tons of time to get to the place I was parking my car, get a ride to the airport, and make it to my gate on time. Things ran so smoothly, I was at my gate at 9:15. The plane didn't take off until 11:25. I sat and read and listened to my iPod, and chatted with a girl who was terrified of flying for the first time. She was flying to FRIGGIN' ALASKA to "bring her husband home". Apparently, they'd been on the outs for the last four months, he moved to Alaska to open a business, and left her in Pittsburgh with their THREE KIDS. I'm sorry, I know I'm a woman and don't really know how to take a hint from a guy, but DAMN. If someone moves to a part of the country that isn't even ATTACHED, I'm pretty sure I'd cut my losses.
On the plane, I was seated next to a crazy older woman who was a flight attendant and was on her way to work a flight in San Francisco. She was talking to the guys sitting next to us, and I overheard him say he was from Youngstown. So, being the bright and bubbly (ok, nosy) person I am, I started talking to him. Turns out he was taking the same connecting flight from Detroit to JFK that I was. We only had 45 minutes between planes in Detroit, so when the plane had to sit on the tarmac for 30 minutes to get de-iced, we were fairly certain we were going to miss our next flight. Both of us were pretty freaked out, and I went against Delta rules and quickly turned my phone on to shoot Pat a text NOT to leave for JFK yet, because I was pretty sure I'd be missing my flight out of Detroit. Pat is awesome, though, and when we landed in Detroit and I turned my phone back on, I had a text informing me he looked up my flight in Detroit, and it too had been delayed so we didn't have to stress. Drew (the Youngstown dude..who was all of 22 years old and thought I was a knowledgable and wordly woman) and I breathed a huge sigh of relief, and headed to an airport bar where we had a few beers and lunch. He was off to NYC to visit his girlfriend who was interning at MARC JACOBS so we had a lot to talk about. He was a cool kid. Inevitably, we lost track of time, and ended up running to our gate to catch our plane. He was in the back, I was in the front, and we never saw each other again.
So I get to the craziness that is the JFK Airport in New York City and find out Pat and Sivillo are close, but stuck in traffic, so I had a few minutes to wait. I sat in a phone booth and ate a rice krispy treat. By the time I was done, I headed outside, and I hear "WYNKOOP YOU HAVE TO RUN ACROSS THE STREET!!!" I look over and Sivillo and Pat and driving by the arrivals gate, and I took off, threw my bags in the car, and landed in the backseat. It was SOO GOOD TO SEE THEM. We headed back to CT and made it in about 2 hours.
As soon as we walked in, everyone was there getting ready to eat dinner. Nemi was cool enough to make spaghetti and meatballs and garlic we all sat down and ate, then I had to hurry up and get changed because we were heading out for the night.
After the inevitable teasing from Steve Braband about me wearing a leather jacket ( was called The Fonze the rest of the night was was frequently greeted with a " Aaaayyyyyyy" and a thumbs up), we had a few beers at the house and headed down to downtown Hartford to a bar called Black Bear. I'll skip the details on the copious amounts of alcohol that was consumed because my mother reads this blog, but it was a fantastic fun night of dancing, drinking, and catching up. On the way back to the car, Pat thought he'd be funny and cute, and throw a huge handful of snow in my face. It hurt my feelings and I almost cried, but I vowed I wouldn't let Pat reduce me to tears during my trip. Not that he's mean, we just have always had the kind of relationship that involves yelling and crying (on my part) and harsh words. After we got back to the house, we stood outside and chatted for awhile, and I think I finally went to sleep at catch a few hours of zzzz's until the next round of festivities began on Saturday.
I'll pick up from there tomorrow...because clearly this blog is going way longer than I anticipated, and I'm lucky if you're still reading.
Thursday Night.
I decided to spend the night at my friend Jody's in Pittsburgh because she's only 45 minutes away from the airport, and I hadn't seen here in awhile. Plus, she's in the process of selling her house/finding somwhere to move/and is happily, newly in love. All of which contribute our visits being fewer and farther between then they had been. Her boyfriend dave came over (he's a keeper), and we ordered pizza, had a few glasses of wine, and went to bed fairly early.
Friday, I woke up at 5:00 am because I couldn't sleep. I contribute it to my crazy-ass work schedule, and the fact that I was SUPER EXCITED to see my friends in Connecticut. Let me explain these guys: The "group" in Connecticut consists of four great guys I was great friends with in college: Sivillo, Pat, Braband, and Kyle. After college, Kyle got hired at ESPN in Bristol, and the other three slowly followed, which is amazing and awesome. Now- all living in one house is Pat, Sivillo, Braband and his awesome girlfriend Ashley, and another girl, Nemi. Kyle's girlfriend (now fiance) moved up to CT and they live in an apartment (condo?) fairly close to everyone else.
Anyway- So, me being the time-Nazi I am, I left Jody's around 7:45 am to have tons of time to get to the place I was parking my car, get a ride to the airport, and make it to my gate on time. Things ran so smoothly, I was at my gate at 9:15. The plane didn't take off until 11:25. I sat and read and listened to my iPod, and chatted with a girl who was terrified of flying for the first time. She was flying to FRIGGIN' ALASKA to "bring her husband home". Apparently, they'd been on the outs for the last four months, he moved to Alaska to open a business, and left her in Pittsburgh with their THREE KIDS. I'm sorry, I know I'm a woman and don't really know how to take a hint from a guy, but DAMN. If someone moves to a part of the country that isn't even ATTACHED, I'm pretty sure I'd cut my losses.
On the plane, I was seated next to a crazy older woman who was a flight attendant and was on her way to work a flight in San Francisco. She was talking to the guys sitting next to us, and I overheard him say he was from Youngstown. So, being the bright and bubbly (ok, nosy) person I am, I started talking to him. Turns out he was taking the same connecting flight from Detroit to JFK that I was. We only had 45 minutes between planes in Detroit, so when the plane had to sit on the tarmac for 30 minutes to get de-iced, we were fairly certain we were going to miss our next flight. Both of us were pretty freaked out, and I went against Delta rules and quickly turned my phone on to shoot Pat a text NOT to leave for JFK yet, because I was pretty sure I'd be missing my flight out of Detroit. Pat is awesome, though, and when we landed in Detroit and I turned my phone back on, I had a text informing me he looked up my flight in Detroit, and it too had been delayed so we didn't have to stress. Drew (the Youngstown dude..who was all of 22 years old and thought I was a knowledgable and wordly woman) and I breathed a huge sigh of relief, and headed to an airport bar where we had a few beers and lunch. He was off to NYC to visit his girlfriend who was interning at MARC JACOBS so we had a lot to talk about. He was a cool kid. Inevitably, we lost track of time, and ended up running to our gate to catch our plane. He was in the back, I was in the front, and we never saw each other again.
So I get to the craziness that is the JFK Airport in New York City and find out Pat and Sivillo are close, but stuck in traffic, so I had a few minutes to wait. I sat in a phone booth and ate a rice krispy treat. By the time I was done, I headed outside, and I hear "WYNKOOP YOU HAVE TO RUN ACROSS THE STREET!!!" I look over and Sivillo and Pat and driving by the arrivals gate, and I took off, threw my bags in the car, and landed in the backseat. It was SOO GOOD TO SEE THEM. We headed back to CT and made it in about 2 hours.
As soon as we walked in, everyone was there getting ready to eat dinner. Nemi was cool enough to make spaghetti and meatballs and garlic we all sat down and ate, then I had to hurry up and get changed because we were heading out for the night.
After the inevitable teasing from Steve Braband about me wearing a leather jacket ( was called The Fonze the rest of the night was was frequently greeted with a " Aaaayyyyyyy" and a thumbs up), we had a few beers at the house and headed down to downtown Hartford to a bar called Black Bear. I'll skip the details on the copious amounts of alcohol that was consumed because my mother reads this blog, but it was a fantastic fun night of dancing, drinking, and catching up. On the way back to the car, Pat thought he'd be funny and cute, and throw a huge handful of snow in my face. It hurt my feelings and I almost cried, but I vowed I wouldn't let Pat reduce me to tears during my trip. Not that he's mean, we just have always had the kind of relationship that involves yelling and crying (on my part) and harsh words. After we got back to the house, we stood outside and chatted for awhile, and I think I finally went to sleep at catch a few hours of zzzz's until the next round of festivities began on Saturday.
I'll pick up from there tomorrow...because clearly this blog is going way longer than I anticipated, and I'm lucky if you're still reading.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Terrific Tueday!
Back to work tonight after a fantastic mini-vacation in Connecticut! I'm running late because I spent FOURTEEN HOURS in bed, and now, of course, I'm running late.

I had an awesome long weekend though visiting with some of the best friends a person could ask for, and it just made me feel BETTER overall. It's really what I needed.
I'll write more tomorrow about my four days of traveling, but for right now, I'm sorry to say this is just another post for the sake of posting something. Time to get back to the daily (nightly?) grind.
For right now, here is the best/worst/creepiest picture I managed to take on my camera the first night in CT before it died. Not sure why I can never remember to charge the damn thing.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Last Night in CT
I'm sitting in the living room of my buddies' in Connecticut..and I fly out tomorrow. I've had an amazing weekend, which I'll blog more about later this week. Right now, I just asked everyone whatI should blog about, and these are some of their ideas:
1. French and Indin War
2. Favorite memories of CT friends
3. My thoughts on braband's dog Indy
4. blog about my favorite people I've met so far in Connecticut (there are lots)
5. Give a ten minute disseration of the living room
6. photo caption contest for my worst ever picture that Kyle took tonight at the bowling alley
7. how cool Steve Braband ISN'T
8. How I just confused Valparaiso with Pittsburgh
9. Dad's mashed potato story from Christmas
10. and blogging about the blog subjects people are suggesting..which is the one I picked because it's easy
1. French and Indin War
2. Favorite memories of CT friends
3. My thoughts on braband's dog Indy
4. blog about my favorite people I've met so far in Connecticut (there are lots)
5. Give a ten minute disseration of the living room
6. photo caption contest for my worst ever picture that Kyle took tonight at the bowling alley
7. how cool Steve Braband ISN'T
8. How I just confused Valparaiso with Pittsburgh
9. Dad's mashed potato story from Christmas
10. and blogging about the blog subjects people are suggesting..which is the one I picked because it's easy
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
It feels AWESOME to be off work until Tuesday night. And it feels even MORE AWESOME to know I'm seeing some of my favorite people in the world. My blog posts are probably going to be pretty lame from here until Monday, but I promise I'll post lots of fun pictures of my sure-to-be-awesome-trip next week!
Alright, tons of stuff to do...Gotta finish packing, do my nails, and clean up my apartment because I think we can all agree on the fact that it's NOT FUN to come home to a messy apartment.
Alright, tons of stuff to do...Gotta finish packing, do my nails, and clean up my apartment because I think we can all agree on the fact that it's NOT FUN to come home to a messy apartment.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Art of Packing
I know it's only Wednesday, and I don't fly out to JFK until Friday, but I worry alot about...well...everything. So, I've been stressing out about packing enough clothes and necessities for Friday-Monday in a bag small enough to be considered a carry-on. Delta charges $25 bucks EACH WAY for a checked bag, and there is NO WAY that damn airline is getting any more money out of me.
Anyway, I started packing tonight and I managed to get in all my clothes (minus socks and underwear) into this:

I'm pretty proud of myself! Now, all I have to find room for is stuff like makeup, but I think I can make it happen. Go me!
Anyway, I started packing tonight and I managed to get in all my clothes (minus socks and underwear) into this:

I'm pretty proud of myself! Now, all I have to find room for is stuff like makeup, but I think I can make it happen. Go me!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Snow Sucks.
The white stuff is currently coming down like crazy right now. We're supposed to get another 8 inches through tomorrow morning, on top of the EIGHTEEN INCHES we got over the weekend.
I had to break down and buy a snow shovel. I've NEVER had to buy a snow shovel, because whether it was my landlord of Felix, I've always had someone to shovel for me! That makes all this snow EXTRA SUPER LAME.
Also, when you're a television producer, wicked weather makes for the worst work days. Especially on a morning show. On top of the latest forecast, and weather live shots, you're also answering phone calls every five seconds taking school closings, typing them in on the television crawl, and generally wanting to just quit.
As of right now, there are already schools closing for tomorrow. I'm in for a rought night.
At least it's a short work week because I'm going to Connecticut on Friday!!!
I had to break down and buy a snow shovel. I've NEVER had to buy a snow shovel, because whether it was my landlord of Felix, I've always had someone to shovel for me! That makes all this snow EXTRA SUPER LAME.
Also, when you're a television producer, wicked weather makes for the worst work days. Especially on a morning show. On top of the latest forecast, and weather live shots, you're also answering phone calls every five seconds taking school closings, typing them in on the television crawl, and generally wanting to just quit.
As of right now, there are already schools closing for tomorrow. I'm in for a rought night.
At least it's a short work week because I'm going to Connecticut on Friday!!!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Man Babies Are Hilarious.
So, no weekend recap today because I had to come into work at 7:30 to help with school closings due to the Snowpocalypse we experienced this weekend.
Two fun facts, though:
1. This is my 291st post. Crazy, crazy crazy.
2. The website, Man Babies is the most hysterical thing I have seen in a LONG time. Click on the link, thank me later.

Two fun facts, though:
1. This is my 291st post. Crazy, crazy crazy.
2. The website, Man Babies is the most hysterical thing I have seen in a LONG time. Click on the link, thank me later.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Friday Snow Day.
9:32 Friday night...watching season 3 of Entourage and enjoying a few glasses of wine. Bored out of my mind though because I'm kinda snowed in and can't go out and do anything. Even though I had no plans, I feel like just the fact I CAN'T go out is making me want to anymore. Maybe I'll just go to bed early...decisions, decisions.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Writer's Block.
Sorry I don't have anything interesting to say the last few days..I've kind of had writer's block. When you're blogging every day for a year, I guess these things happen. Anyway, it's been a pretty decent week. I had my little sign from God earlier this week, then I won $500 bucks on a $5 lottery scratch-off ticket, I found a plane ticket for my trip to Connecticut next weekend for $130...So life is ok right now. I'm not complaining.
Once again, another work week is ending (thank God), and the weekend is ALMOST here. Just gotta get through one more night of work!!!
Once again, another work week is ending (thank God), and the weekend is ALMOST here. Just gotta get through one more night of work!!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Quick Post Before Work.
Today is a post just for the sake of getting in my daily post. Leaving to go to work in a few minutes...Just got back from dinner with Sally. Think I had some bad sushi cause my stomach is NOT happy right now.
I got some to go for dinner tonight at I guess only time will tell.
I got some to go for dinner tonight at I guess only time will tell.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Show Me a Sign.
Some of you might laugh at this post, and that's ok. It was such an overwhelming experience for me, though, that I want to share it with you.
Yesterday was a particularly mopey day for me. Everything I did, saw, or ate (I swear!) reminded me of Felix. Then I got to thinking about my life, and some of the decisions I may have ahead of me, and how I feel like I'm completely in limbo, waiting for my next big life experience.
So, and I tell you this not so you'll feel sorry for me, but so you can identify with my mood, I kind of cried off and on all evening. On my way to work, I decided to have a little chat with God. I've been doing that alot lately, even though I haven't stepped inside a church for at least ten years. So, I'm driving to work, talking to God, and I said, "If only there was a way I KNEW everything was going to be ok, that I haven't made any huge mistakes...if only there was a way I knew I was on the right track."
Next thing I know, I'm driving around a bend on the highway, on a very cold, crisp, CLEAR night, and I see this low, thin, veil of fog in front of me. I don't know how to describe it...but it was the most unusual fog I've ever seen. It was only "hovering" over a very small part of the highway, and I didn't have to drive through it, because it honestly looked like it was a suspended wisp of fog hovering over the road. I was the only car on the highway. When I saw it, it kind of made me gasp, because it was so unusual looking. At the same time, my ipod changed to the song "Details in the Fabric" by Jason Mraz. Here are the lyrics:
Calm down
Deep breaths
And get yourself dressed instead
Of running around
And pulling all your threads and
Breaking yourself up
If it's a broken part, replace it
If it’s a broken arm then brace it
If it's a broken heart then face it
And hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
And everything will be fine
Hang on
Help is on the way
Stay strong
I'm doing everything
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
And everything
Everything will be fine
Are the details in the fabric
Are the things that make you panic
Are your thoughts results of static cling?
Are the things that make you blow
Hell, no reason, go on and scream
If you're shocked it's just the fault
Of faulty manufacturing.
Everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all
Hold your own
And know your name
Go your own way
Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own)
Are the things that make you panic (Know your name)
Are your thoughts results of static cling? (Go your own way)
Hold your own
Know your name
Go your own way.
Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own)
Are the things that make you panic (Know your name)
Is it Mother Nature's sewing machine? (Go your own way)
Are the things that make you blow (Hold your own)
Hell no reason go on and scream (Know your name)
If you’re shocked it's just the fault (Go your own way)
Of faulty manufacturing
Everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all
Hearts will hold
So, I don't know about you, but I think it was a pretty amazing experience, and I think God is telling me I'm on the right track and everything is going to turn out fine, if not better than that. Happy Tuesday.
Yesterday was a particularly mopey day for me. Everything I did, saw, or ate (I swear!) reminded me of Felix. Then I got to thinking about my life, and some of the decisions I may have ahead of me, and how I feel like I'm completely in limbo, waiting for my next big life experience.
So, and I tell you this not so you'll feel sorry for me, but so you can identify with my mood, I kind of cried off and on all evening. On my way to work, I decided to have a little chat with God. I've been doing that alot lately, even though I haven't stepped inside a church for at least ten years. So, I'm driving to work, talking to God, and I said, "If only there was a way I KNEW everything was going to be ok, that I haven't made any huge mistakes...if only there was a way I knew I was on the right track."
Next thing I know, I'm driving around a bend on the highway, on a very cold, crisp, CLEAR night, and I see this low, thin, veil of fog in front of me. I don't know how to describe it...but it was the most unusual fog I've ever seen. It was only "hovering" over a very small part of the highway, and I didn't have to drive through it, because it honestly looked like it was a suspended wisp of fog hovering over the road. I was the only car on the highway. When I saw it, it kind of made me gasp, because it was so unusual looking. At the same time, my ipod changed to the song "Details in the Fabric" by Jason Mraz. Here are the lyrics:
Calm down
Deep breaths
And get yourself dressed instead
Of running around
And pulling all your threads and
Breaking yourself up
If it's a broken part, replace it
If it’s a broken arm then brace it
If it's a broken heart then face it
And hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
And everything will be fine
Hang on
Help is on the way
Stay strong
I'm doing everything
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
And everything
Everything will be fine
Are the details in the fabric
Are the things that make you panic
Are your thoughts results of static cling?
Are the things that make you blow
Hell, no reason, go on and scream
If you're shocked it's just the fault
Of faulty manufacturing.
Everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all
Hold your own
And know your name
Go your own way
Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own)
Are the things that make you panic (Know your name)
Are your thoughts results of static cling? (Go your own way)
Hold your own
Know your name
Go your own way.
Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own)
Are the things that make you panic (Know your name)
Is it Mother Nature's sewing machine? (Go your own way)
Are the things that make you blow (Hold your own)
Hell no reason go on and scream (Know your name)
If you’re shocked it's just the fault (Go your own way)
Of faulty manufacturing
Everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all
Hearts will hold
So, I don't know about you, but I think it was a pretty amazing experience, and I think God is telling me I'm on the right track and everything is going to turn out fine, if not better than that. Happy Tuesday.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Happy Music Monday!!!
Today's HMM is dedicated to last night's Grammy ceremony. Say what you want about the music, but the performances were AH-MAZE-ING.
I didn't get to see the whole show in its entirety because I had to go to work, but here are my top three performances in no particular order.
1. Beyonce "If I were a Boy/ You Oughta Know"
2. Green Day & the cast of American Idiot "21 Guns"
3. Pink "Glitter in the Air"
I didn't get to see the whole show in its entirety because I had to go to work, but here are my top three performances in no particular order.
1. Beyonce "If I were a Boy/ You Oughta Know"
2. Green Day & the cast of American Idiot "21 Guns"
3. Pink "Glitter in the Air"
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