I was so thankful I had my own bedroom at the house in CT, because I was in DIRE NEED of some sleep. I'd say I got about 5 or 6 hours in before finally waking up around noon. Awesome Ashley was making biscuits from SCRATCH (who does that?! She does! that's who!), Braband was frying up some bacon (and eating most of it in the process, I might add), and I was fiending for some coffee. They have a coffee maker, but no coffee to be found, so Braband was nice enough to take me down the road to Dunkin Donuts. I tried their new white chocolate iced latte lite ( pretty great, but french vanilla is still my fave). Let me backtrack a little bit by saying Ashley and Braband have a beautiful dog named Indy (I think he's a chocolate lab, and his full name is something like Indiana Jones McBraband). Indy likes to go for car rides. Indy is also still a puppy...but he's a HUGE 90-pound puppy. He didn't really warm up to me Friday night, and Saturday when I came out of my bedroom he growled and barked at me and made me scream. Well, Indy came with us to Dunkin Donuts. On the way back home, he slipped off the backseat and fell onto the floor. Since he's a puppy, he's a big baby, and that scared him. So, he hopped onto my lap in the front seat, and I rode back to the house with a 90-pound pup on my lap. But I'm glad it happened, because Indy and I were buddies from there on out.
But--I digress. So, after we ate some biscuits with the most delicious strawberry jam I've ever tasted (seriously), we all showered and I got ready for my big tour of ESPN!!! Pat, Braband, and I headed over to the campus, and Braband lasted about 43 seconds before he "had to get some work done" and disappeared. He's a very important man at ESPN now, so it's cool. Pat began showing me around, and the place is AMAZING. I wish I was more of a sports fan, because I'd totally try to get hired there. I got to sit on the Sports Center set (pictures below), and got to meet some of the gazillion people Pat knows (he knows everyone everywhere he goes, always). I was feeling a little hungover (it could've been the 5 Hour Energy's Pat and I had been guzzling for the past 12 hours, but who knows?), and was REALLY not feeling up to doing anything. But we rallied the troops, piled in the car, and headed down to a restaurant called Moe's. I'd say it's CT's version of Chipotle, but not QUITE as good. So me, Sivillo, Pat, Braband, Ashley, Kyle and Andrea ate some burritos and chips and salsa, and I must say I felt like a million bucks after that. I was rarin' to go! Kyle and Andrea had something else to do, so the rest of us walked over to the theater to see Valentine's Day. It was soooo cute! Pat paid for me to get in, which was AWESOME, and when I asked him if he was going to be my Valentine's Day date, he ignored me. Typical Pat reaction. But I know he loves me. Anway, after the movie, it was back to the house to get ready for the shindig they were throwing later that night. I met a lot of great people (Rochelle, Nicole and Shiff being my favorites!) and we had a great time. Braband and I played beer pong and I definately was to blame for us losing. I suck at beer pong. Eventually everyone left...then eventually everyone went to bed except for Sivillo and I...we chatted for a bit and I headed to bed. At 5:30 am. WTF.

Tomorrow I'll recap my last day and a half!! Stay tuned!
So much booze....I am sure college was much, much worse. DO NOT tell me anyone.
love, mom
By the way, you look beautiful on the Sports Center set...
love, mom
I think you should more into sports, move to CT, work for ESPN, and marry Pat. That is my wish for you.
Laura, that is the worst wish ever...but thanks? lol! And thanks mom, but you ALWAYS think I look beautiful:)
You left out the best part. Everyone dies trying to stop the giant asteroid coming to earth in ... Valentines Day.
Yeah...Laura you're insane. However, I do agree that Ash should move to CT...no argument here.
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