I have a busy day ahead of me today, so here are a few quick updates:
-Mom, the lightened up version of shrimp fried rice turned out to be FABULOUS. Seriously. I'll email you the recipe, and if anyone else wants it, let me know. It probably took 20 minutes to make, it's loaded with veggies, and if you throw some frozen eggrolls in the oven, you have a complete and (mostly) nutritious meal for around 450 calories <---and I was STUFFED with that amount, and probably could've eaten a little less (I chowed down TWO eggrolls) but it was soooo good. And I don't know about you, but 450 calories for dinner on a FRIDAY NIGHT is pretty friggin' fantastic...at least for me.

-I'm picking up my spinning back this afternoon!! Now I just have to wait for my spinning DVD's to arrive from Amazon.com, but they should get here this week. I'll let everyone know how Spinning Class in Ashley's Basement goes, as soon as the DVD's get here. And they can't get here soon enough, because my knee is KILLING me. As in, it hurts to go up and down stairs...I probably should see a doctor, but it's SUCH a pain in the butt to make a doctor's appointment during the day when you work overnights.
-I think it's so funny that I always say how much I look forward to low-key weekends where I can just sit at home, and don't make plans. It's funny because it NEVER happens. I passed out at 10:30 last night and slept soundly until 8 this morning (which never happens to me. Ever.), so I'm full of energy and ready for a fun Saturday night. On the agenda? Dinner with some friends at Los Gallos (maybe a margarita or two), then a night of bowling at Boardman Lanes. It's BYOB, so I have a feeling it might turn into something similar to Clarion University Intramural Bowling. Anyone who knows about Clarion's intramural bowling league, knows that it's pretty much the greatest thing in the world.
-I'm forced to play on Felix's co-ed softball team tomorrow. Not actually forced, but if they don't have another girl, they have to forfeit. And if they have to forfeit, they have to pay 25 bucks for each forfeited game. There are two games, so that's 50 bucks out of FELIX's pocket. Obviously I can't NOT play just because I have deep-seated issues with playing sports in front of others. I gotta take one for the team and support my man...so I'll be donning a glove and working right field tomorrow. I'll let you know how it all goes down.
You are such a good daughter! And you have your blog out of the way nice and early!! Woo Hoo! Poor Ashley is forced to play softball. We are NOT a baseball kind of family are we Ashley? Well I told you love has its ups and downs, but softball? You are the best girlfriend ever. Taking one for the team is right!!!!!!!!!!!
love, mom
Two things...
1. Nothing can ever compare to the events that unfolded every Thursday night during spring at Clarion Bowl Arena. The cases upon cases of Miller Lite that the 8 of us downed. So many memories...
2. You have played softball before...I remember you being an official member of the Haywood Jablowmees. (I still have my shirt btw)
Sivilloooo, you do remember that I SUCKED at softball, and I'm not sure I actually played...AND we were drinking beer and running around the field tackling each other. Yeahhhh...pretty sure it's a WHOLE lot different than what I'm going to experience today:)
And mom...I KNOW I'm the best girlfriend ever, you don't have to tell me. Lol!
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