"A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary."
First things first: Happy Mother's Day to my mom, one of the greatest and most important people in my life. She's one of my very best friends, and I don't think she realizes how important she is to me. So, I love you mom!
I went home to visit my mom yesterday since Sunday's are reserved for me to mope around and feel sorry for myself in anticipation of the work-week ahead. (Don't Forget: I get more sympathy because my Monday technically starts Sunday night at 11 pm).
Anyway, I wanted to do something nice for my mom becauseshesfantasticandilovehersomuch, but that good deed could not include taking her out to eat.
Why, you might ask? Because she has been doing an amazing job on Weight Watchers and has been exercising and I'm really proud of her. I'm also trying to eat healthfully, and what kind of example are we setting for each other if we chow down just because it's a certain day? If that's an excuse, I'm going to eat a whole cheesecake every Saturday just for the sake of it being Saturday. Makes sense, right? Wrong.
So I came up with the fantastic idea of finding a "lightened up" recipe, and preparing it for her, so at least she wouldn't have to cook.
After consulting Google for a good 3 or 4 days, I finally settled on a recipe for a lighter version of Baked French Toast. Who doesn't like french toast?!
The recipe called for dried apples and raisins. I nixed the raisin idea because I'd rather eat poop, and couldn't find the dried apples, so decided to substitute pecans instead. I thought it was a BRILLIANT idea. Apparently those apples and raisins had something to do with giving the french toast FLAVOR...but that didn't enter my mind.
I got everything ready the night before, so all I would have to do is pop it in the oven when I got to my mom's house. All night I dreamed of how wonderful my french toast recipe that included whole wheat bread, egg whites....and...well, not much else, actually...would taste, and how my mom would declare me BEST COOK IN THE WORLD! (sidenote: I get overly excited about everything. And I mean EVERY.THING.).
Loaded up with a pan of french toast, Boggle, and Yhatzee, I made the hour and a half trip home to hang out with my mom.
The french toast was supposed to bake for 40 minutes covered, then uncovered for another 20 so it could get nice and brown and bubbly and yummy. (Those were my words, not the recipe's).
20 minutes in, I said to my mom, "Shouldn't we be at least smelling the cinnamon baking?" We chalked the lack of aroma up to it being covered, and surely it would smell wonderful during the last 20 minutes.
At the 40 minute-mark, I uncovered it, and ended up baking it for another 30 minutes. As I pulled it out of the oven, I knew it wasn't going to be good. Why?
Because it looked like this:

Being the fanstastic woman that she is, my mom tried to make the best of it, and said it couldn't taste THAT bad. I bravely took the first bite...and it tasted like...whole wheat bread. And egg whites. With nutmeg. BLECH. Declaring it a culinary disaster, I said the mess would NOT be eaten for a Mother's Day Dinner. My mom then breathed a huge sigh of relief because she didn't want any part in it, either. So...I had some left over rice she had in the refrigerator, and mom ate a Lean Cuisine. Happy Mother's Day.
The weird thing was, my mom and I just kept picking at it. Like, it was going to get better after it sat there? It seemed like in principal it SHOULD taste good...but it just never did. Eventually my sister Morgan came home, and we tried to convince her it was yummy, but she too was not impressed. Yet she kept picking, just like the rest of it. My dad declared it "horrible", and he was right.
I also blame this painful burn on that Bastard French Toast, because it happened when I was trying to pull it out of the oven:

My mom thought the whole incident was "Cute". (Cute? Really? It might have been cute if I was say, 14...not 26.)
All in all, it actually was a really great trip home. I got to spend some QT with my mom, which I don't do nearly enough. I also upped her self-esteem a little because I let her kick my ass in Boggle, and once in Yhatzee. I had to let her, it's Mother's Day:)
Yep the French Toast sucked, it will be a memory forever and you did NOT let me beat you at Boggle! I am the Boggle Queen. However I have no idea how I beat you at Yahtzee since it involves numbers. Numbers mean math and I hate math. Perhaps you did let me beat you at Yahtzee...Boggle NEVER!!!!!
I love you,
alright, before I make fun of you because you tried to be this oustanding chief with nothing to cook but healthy nonsense - let me tell you how damn skinny your arm looks! I swear everytime I see you (which I know is not that often and should be...) you get skinnier and skinnier! For real, I know it is only your arm, but like you don't even have that hangy skin stuff that I somehow have developed! You looke great smash!
Moving on...I thought that you would have learned by now that to make something good all you need is a can of soup and chicken (remember our 9th grade experiement w/ Cyndi Hartline at my dad's??) yeah, I am not going to repeat the words that came out of your mouth when you managed to drop something and hit your head on the cupboard door at the same time! Point is - stick with chicken!
Much love to you!!!! - Lauren
PS - Hi to Smash's mom!!! It has been years since I have seen or talked with you! I am so glad you are doing well!
I hope you are doing well too Lauren. You guys have all grown up leaving me, well, older!!
I know what that crap looks like now...it looks like raw chicken thighs crammed into a pan?! Sorry I have been obsessed since we baked the stuff. I love you sweetie and I would not change my Mother's Day a bit.
love, mom
LAUREN! Thanks for the skinny arm compliment. I'm sure it was just the pasty whiteness of my skin, and the angle of my camera:)
LOL at the Cindy Hartline/chicken fiasco!!
you would've said those bad words too if you hit your head in the corner of a cupboard!!!
And mom, YES it looks like chicken thighs! I totally agree. Listen, next time we'll go out for chicken salads or something. I'm done with this cooking stuff:)
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