Thursday, May 14, 2009

To Twitter or Not to Twitter...That is the Question.

I'm not gonna lie when I say I feel a little old talking about this whole Twitter thing, because I'm not TOTALLY sure what it is. As a connoisseur of sorts on social networking to my coworkers, I gotta say I'm a little embarrassed to know virtually nothing of this new phenomenon. (I know, it's not even really NEW anymore...but it still is to me).

Anyway, it's been brought to my attention by one Steve Braband (check out his blog here: that my blog would get much more attention if I whored it out on Twitter. I've toyed with the idea of joining Twitter in the past, but decided not to because I have a personal rule of limiting myself to two social networking sites and was already on Myspace and Facebook. I've since deleted my Myspace account (it is SO last year...kind of like Vitamin Water. At least according to Felix's 9-year-old daughter), so that leaves a social networking slot open.

Being the thorough, knowledge-thirsty person I am, I immediately googled tips on how to successfully whore out a blog via Twitter (I used the phrase "promote" instead of "whore out", though), and there were surprisingly TONS of websites devoted to the subject.

With my interest piqued, I am now asking for tips from YOU on how exactly Twitter works. Tell me I'm wrong for thinking it's for people who think the world is actually INTERESTED about everything going on in their life. ( I realize Demi/Ashton/John Mayer are big Twitterers. Tweeters? Twits? But come on, their lives are a little more interesting than the rest of ours). Also, if I "follow" people in Twitter, is my phone going to ding everytime someone Tweets? (This could actually be a plus for me because I enjoy the noise my BlackBerry makes when I get a text, email, BlackBerry Messenger message).

Someone please explain it to me...nicely...without making me feeling socially retarded.
***Pat Muldowney, that means no comments from you, please***


Anonymous said...

I think you should Twitter simply to "whore out" your blog. That being said I will never do it of course.

love, mom

The Gilligans said...

Hmmmm - well Smash, being that I have YET to join Facebook or Myspace...I vote NO! Social Networking becomes addictive and time consuming - hmmm well maybe those are two good reasons to join?!?!

Let me know what you decide...I am still pondering Facebook! Haha :)

sally said...

I have strong feelings against Twitter. I, like you, wanted to know more about it and not get left behind by technology. Then I checked out there website and their 2 minute intro video. It angered and confused me. That being said I'll probably be forced onto Twitter by early '10. :-)

Steve Braband said...

First off, Vitamin Water is the bees knees.

XXX flavor tastes like melted Slush Puppie...and it is fantastic.

Twitter isnt ment to whore yourself is just a simple means of communication of making others aware of your hard work.

You can also send direct messages to P. Diddy.....if you're in to that kind of thing.

Just do it you renob.

Neal said...

I had twitter attached to my blogspot and I dont think I was using it right. HAHAHA...I'm part of this old generation not understanding twitter...I think it sends things to phones?

PS....I've been mia, I'm catching up on these blogs. If you figure twitter out, let me know, I think Im not using mine ever again though.


skittle365 said...

Steve, I'm not stupid and niether is my mom. It might take me a minute, but I figured out renob is BONER Spelled backwards:)

Anonymous said...

Ash I might be stupid since I had no clue what renob was. I figured it was some newfangled slang you twittering kids use!

love, mom

skittle365 said...

aaaand I might be stupid for apparently not knowing how to spell neither.

Matt said...

still waiting for Pats response.

Steve is right. Twitter is good for whoring blogs. and XXX vitamin water does taste like melted cherry slush puppie.

twitter is only what you want it to be. pat posts on it every 5 minutes. i post on it once every few days. i vote yes.

Matt said...

oh also. ask steve and pat...i was also very AGAINST joining twitter from the start. you know non-conformist. however, I decided i was being an old fart and joined the crew.

Patrick said...

This is where I make my "fashionably late to the blog comment party" entrance.

I say, do it. You're putting a lot of time and effort into this blog, and if you spend the approximately 5 minutes a day that it would take to use Twitter to promote it, maybe you'll get more traffic.

Worst case scenario, you get 0 more readers, and have something new to blog about, aka: your Twitter experience. Also, there are "Trending Topics" on Twitter. What that is, is an analysis of all things being Tweeted, and the site compiles a list of the most popular on the right side of the page. Also more potential blog fodder.

And who could forget the most obvious reason as to why you should join - updates of what I'm doing every 5 minutes. Trust me, you care.

(PS: You can set up your Twitterberry on the 'ol Blackberry to give you constant notifications, or to not notify you at all. Any questions, call me.)

skittle365 said...

Very much leaning towards joining...Thanks for explaining it, pat!