Thursday, May 7, 2009

Viva la Margarita aka Thirsty Thursday!!

I know Cinco De Mayo was Tuesday, but I don't think there's ever a BAD time to have an ice cold margarita. Especially this one. It's called a "White Trash Margarita" and the recipe was recently brought to my attention by a very talented drink mixer by the name of Sally Lemmon at Jody's 30th birthday party a few weeks ago. You will NOT be disapointed.


-1 can frozen concentrate lime-aid

-1 bottle Corona (I'm sure any beer will do)

-bottle of tequila

-lots of ice

-Sprite or 7-Up


Empty frozen lime-aid concentrate into big pitcher. Fill empty can with beer, add to pitcher. Fill can again...this time with tequila, add to mix, fill it up one more time with Sprite... Add the ice, stir up, enjoy!!!

***DISCLAIMER TO MY MOM*** Just because I enjoy a cocktail every now and then does NOT mean I'm a binge-drinking alcoholic. I know it absolutely boggles your mind that people actually have a few drinks on the weekends to relax, but some people do. And I'm one of them. I assure you I will not turn into a trainwreck of Lindsay-Lohan-like proportions.
***EDIT*** In the first draft of this post, I forgot to add the Sprite. Whoops! I guess there's gotta be something in there to dilute the tequila! Makes sense!


Anonymous said...

Alright, I believe you, I guess. lol

love, mom

Sally said...

Don't forget the 7-UP!!!!!!!!

Patrick said...

You should not lie to your mother.

skittle365 said...

Shhh Pat! Don't tell!