While perusing Amazon.com a few months ago, I found out they actually sell spinning DVD's, that simulate an actual class. This got me extremely excited.
Then, of course, I had to see how much it would cost me to buy a Spinner bike for my basement. The cheapest model is 500 dollars, and I just can't see myself spending that on an indoor bicycle.
This is where Craigslist comes into play.
Occasionally I'll look through the sporting goods section to see if they have any bikes for sale. I haven't had any luck at all until a few weeks ago. A guy that lives about a half hour from me is selling this bike:

It's basically brand new, and retails for around 700 bucks. He's trying to sell it for 400. I offered him 200 and he laughed.
I forgot about it until now because he still hasn't sold it.
I'm really thinking of offering him 300 in cash.
But- I'm cheap.
Here's my predicament:
Do I splurge and spend 300 dollars on something I will most certainly get use out of? Especially since my left knee has REALLY been killing me? And using a bike puts less stress on my knees, obviously.
The flip-side is I've worked really hard to save what I have, and I don't want to blow 300 bucks, and then (God forbid) lose my job or something crazy like that.
What should I do?
Get the bike, or don't?
Help a sista out!
In other news..I am now on Twitter. I think I've somehow linked this blog to it, and it should update my "followers" when I post something on here. But I'm not sure. Either I set it up that way, or I gave the entire WWW access to everything about myself and my computer.
Follow me on Twitter here: http://twitter.com/AsToldByAsh
Okay, so here are my thoughts...if you buy the bike for $300, wouldn't that be way cheaper than if you blow your knee out working with that crazy, biggest loser, fitness nazi??? Emotions and pain included. And POOR FELIX if that happens! :)
In other words...go for it! If you like it that much and will truly use it, then why not? This could be that one thing you have been wanting to help with your boredom...you know, the decision between a house, dog, or blogging??? Well add a bike in there!
Lauren, you convinced me! I offered the guy 300 bucks cash. If he takes it, I'm buying it. If not, I tried! THANKS!
Am I going to have to join twitter? I knew it would come to this!
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