Oh, and by the way? I totally blame the Sham Wow guy for the demise of Billy Mays.
R.I.P. Billy!!!
Oh, and by the way? I totally blame the Sham Wow guy for the demise of Billy Mays.
R.I.P. Billy!!!
And- I'm sure we ALL have some sort of Michael Jackson on an ipod workout mix somewhere.
Sooo corny, and sooo cheesy, I love it.
Weird. I text messaged my friend Sally about it, and her response? "Maybe he read your blog and he wanted to see what all the buzz was about". I laughed.
Moving on, how about some interesting health related links on this Fab Fit Friday?
**Did mom ever tell you to stop reading in dim light because you'll ruin your eyes? That myth, and 6 more, are debunked here.
**This really isn't health related...but the frog picture above reminded me of it. (Follow me here, frog picture..frogs eat flies...) Have you seen the video of President Obama swatting a horse fly during an interview and then picking it up and throwing it away? (Ohhh Barack you are sooo wonderful and funny hardy har har har, Note the sarcasm.) Anyway- Now, PETA is flipping out, saying Barack Obama needs to be more sensitive to the Earth's creatures. You know what I say to that? Eff you, PETA, and the stupid horse you didn't ride in on because that would qualify as animal cruelty.
**I found this story very interesting because I've never read anything similar. Apparently, if you want to be a lean, mean, muscle making machine, you better stop taking The Pill.
That's all I got. Peace out.
Fast forward to last week. I was once again strolling the aisles of the Austintown Library when another book of her's caught my eye.
I started "God-Shaped Hole" yesterday and I'm more than halfway through it. I'm not sure exactly what it is about her writing that I love so much, I just like the pace of the book.
Anyway, so during a lapse in work last night, I googled Tiffanie DeBartolo to see who the hell this person was.
Turns out she was born and raised in Youngstown, OH! How crazy is that?! She went to Villa Maria High School, but dropped out before her senior year, then got her GED and I think ended up graduating from Berkeley College in California. She's also penned a few screenplays and what not, but her website hasn't been updated since 2007.
I ended up emailing her and telling her how (GASP!) I live in Youngstown, too! And I loved her books before I even realized she was from here! I also asked if she has written anything else, because as far as I can tell, once I'm done with "God-Shaped Hole", my Tiffanie DeBartolo obsession can no longer be fulfilled because she doesn't have any other books out. Think she'll email me back?
Anyway, I highly recommend BOTH of these books. They're love stories, but in a tragic, hip, indy, sort of way. No mushy gushy lovey dovey stuff, but the writing will definately tear at your heart strings and (if you've ever been madly in love) you'll identify with the characters in the book.
***DISCLAIMER*** Mom, no offense, but I don't really think these are your style of books, so don't feel obligated to go and fetch them and read 'em up just because I blogged about them. They have nothing to do with vampires, werewolves, or serial killers, so they're not really up your alley.
Now that we've gotten that awkwardly out of the way, I'm proud to say Felix and I very well might be the cornhole champions of northeastern Ohio (stop giggling and get your head out of the gutter). We play whenever we get the chance, and we're really good. So, if you say there's gonna be cornhole, chances are we'll drop other plans in order to play.
So, I'd like to think I'm broadening my horizons today by going to this place locals here call the beach. I'll let you know how it goes.
As always on Fit Friday's, I'm giving a shout out to The Fit Wife, who most recently reviewed some of Lifetime's new reality shows.
I know this is a stretch, but I suppose I'll also give a shout out to Mr. Steve Braband, whose blog talks sports, sports, and more sports. Sports= exercise, as long as you're not just watching them on the Boob Tube.
Have's to a wonderful weekend!!
That is all.
Happy Sunday.
Moving on, is anyone else getting sick of all these links on webpages like msn.com about how there's STILL TIME TO GET A BIKINI BODY! JUST FOLLOW THIS WORKOUT! I get really excited, but when I click on them, they all say to do the same thing: lunges, cardio, squats, shoulder presses, etc. I already do those. I HAVE been doing those. STILL totally hesitant about stepping out in a bikini.
Speaking of bikinis, I just ordered 6 of them from target.com. I figured I'd try them all on and cross my fingers I'd like at least one, then send all the rest back. Although, I didn't really check out their return policy, so hopefully I didn't just spend $150 bucks on bikinis I'll never wear. Maybe I should've bought one of those mom-skirted-swimsuits?! We shall see.
Since my gal The Fit Wife wrote a blog post about the Fit Bit tracker, I'm really intrigued and want to find out more about this little calorie tracking gadget.Read The Fit Wife's post for a more in-detail description, but you wear this little thing on you at all times (it clips on your belt, or wherever convienent...even on your bra!!) and it allegedly tracks things like how many calories your burning, as well as how well you're sleeping. The whole thing is $99 bucks! I'm a little skeptical, but might splurge on it just because it sounds pretty friggin' cool.
Have a great weekend everybody!!!
Let me set this up for you. I was chatting with my mom on the phone, walking around our apartment...rinsing out dishes that were in the sink, putting them in the dishwasher, etc. I was getting ready to work out, so I was getting a big glass of ice water to take downstairs with me. We have one of those Culligan Water thingymajigs, and I had the cup setting on the ledge, filling it with water (Which I should've known better, I've spilled this same cup before because it's too big to balance there). All of a sudden the cup flips over.
And lands directly upside down on the floor.
It landed so perfectly, and on top of the plastic on the floor, it created a suction cup and just stayed there. I would compare it to when you're at the beach and fill a plastic cup up with sand and flip it over to make a sandcastle. Except the sand was water. How unbelievable is that? I was like "sonofabitch!" or some other profanity that shouldn't have been said while on the phone with one's mother...and she said "WHAT WHAT!"
I told her what happened and she said, "OMIGOD take a picture so you can write a blog about it!!!!!"
So, after I took the picture, the big task at hand was cleaning it up...because that's a big cup and it was FILLED with water and ice.
I ended up wrapping towels around the cup, and then tried to simultaneously flip the cup over while scooping up as much ice as I could. Needless to say, it still created a helluva mess.
I don't think I could do that again if I tried!
These two are the biggest fame whores I've ever seen. They'll do ANYTHING to make a quick buck and get the camera flashing. Ugh. They make me sick! They are single-handedly the reason I no longer watch "The Hills". (Well, maybe not single-handedly. It also probably has something to do with the fact I'm 26, not 19, and Justin Bobby is nasty.)
Kelly Bensimon.
I love love LOVE the "Real Housewives" franchise on Bravo TV. I watch every season religiously, except Atlanta. I never got into that season for some reason. And the new series with the ladies from New Jersey? Proving to be a fantastic season as well. There's something about watching woman with tons of money get Botex and go shopping and get together for cocktails at 2 in the afternoon that is just fascinating to me. I eat it up.
Kelly Bensimon is in the cast of "The Real Housewives of New York City". She was a new addition this season and I PRAY they get rid of her. Just seeing her on my television makes my skin crawl and I start feeling a little enraged. Especially when she's crazily scolding Bethenny with her now-famous "Bethenny stooooopppp. Just stoooop it. BETHENNY...STOOOPPP". Ugh. Hate her.
I don't know anyone else besides Felix and I that still watch Survivor, but this douchebag was a cast member this season, and he always called himself "The Dragon Slayer" and a Samurai warrior. I would literally YELL at the television every week this season , and probably would've thrown things at it if I wasn't afraid of the wratch of Felix and his love for all things electronic. Coach didn't win though, so suck it Samurai!!!
Jon Gosselin.Who does this assface think he is? Sure, Jon, we all know your wife is a megabitch, but I bet you would be too if you were the breadwinner of the family and still had to take care of 8 kids...May as well make that 9 because she has to take care of you, too! Furthermore, it doesn't matter how bitchy or terrible your wife is, you have EIGHT CHILDREN! They're your responsibility and you have no right to go galavanting around with a 20-something school teacher (who isn't even cute). You're gross, Jon. GROSS! Team Kate all the way!
Deep breath, Ashley. Deep. Breathes.
And of course, I canNOT forget...HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEAH!! Even though you don't read my blog, maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised someday when you get around to it.
Here's a pic of her and I when she visited Youngstown last summer: