Let me set this up for you. I was chatting with my mom on the phone, walking around our apartment...rinsing out dishes that were in the sink, putting them in the dishwasher, etc. I was getting ready to work out, so I was getting a big glass of ice water to take downstairs with me. We have one of those Culligan Water thingymajigs, and I had the cup setting on the ledge, filling it with water (Which I should've known better, I've spilled this same cup before because it's too big to balance there). All of a sudden the cup flips over.
And lands directly upside down on the floor.
It landed so perfectly, and on top of the plastic on the floor, it created a suction cup and just stayed there. I would compare it to when you're at the beach and fill a plastic cup up with sand and flip it over to make a sandcastle. Except the sand was water. How unbelievable is that? I was like "sonofabitch!" or some other profanity that shouldn't have been said while on the phone with one's mother...and she said "WHAT WHAT!"
I told her what happened and she said, "OMIGOD take a picture so you can write a blog about it!!!!!"
So, after I took the picture, the big task at hand was cleaning it up...because that's a big cup and it was FILLED with water and ice.
I ended up wrapping towels around the cup, and then tried to simultaneously flip the cup over while scooping up as much ice as I could. Needless to say, it still created a helluva mess.
I don't think I could do that again if I tried!
That's my girl!!
love, mom
I'm not really sure that a glass of water upside down really is the same thing as filling a bucket up with sand and flipping it over to make a sand castle. Perhaps you could have compared it to something else equally likely to spill out all over the place and make a mess when placed back upright. love you!
I compared it to a bucket with sand in it because I felt like I could lift the cup up and...oh, nevermind "L". YOU SUCK!
Love you too:)
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