I REALLY teared up watching. In my opinion, Jon Gosselin is a no-good ass-face. Team KATE all the way!!!
After the show, I logged onto Facebook real quick like I always do before I go to work...and DAMN the Jon & Kate debate was raging! It seems as though you're either on Jon's side or Kat'es side, and you're 100% either way.
It's kind of funny, but at least I know I'm not the only one.
No matter how you look at it, it's a sad situation because now eight kids are now growing up a statistic, and victims of divorce.
ANYWAY- I don't know why I get so addicted to these television families...and I don't know why I get so caught up in their lives. It's just a television show but I can't help it! It's like, "well, if Jon & Kate can't make it, then no one can" and I just get so disappointed. For all of humanity as a whole. Ridiculous? Yes.
I did the same thing when Nick and Jessica announced their divorce after "Newlyweds".
Do you think having cameras following your every move contributes to these on-air separations? Or they're just capturing what was bound to happen the whole time?
Well I know I would not let anyone follow me around...not that anyone would pay to see my life, lol! I alternate between which Gosselin I think is the worst.
love, mom
I am with you Smash - TEAM Kate! Who wouldn't have the right to be moody from time to time after having 8 kids and a husband who likes to run around with 23 year old school teachers??? Yeah, I am a bit biased but I am all about Kate! Poor kids - they don't deserve it at all!
LOVE Jon and Kate plus 8...well now just Kate!! :)
Team Kate all the way! WOOT!
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