Results from the first ten days of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred are in, and we're seeing some great results! Before I post the girls' impressions of Level 1 and how they feel, here are some of my favorite quotes from the Facebook Message Board we started to motivate each other:
"...And I noticed when I do the butt kicks, I can only kick my butt with my right leg haha. Weird." -Andrea
"I feel like I can already see my arms getting more defined...after 3 that weird? Maybe I'm just making it up. " -Laura
"Ok.. Day Three. Umm my arms hurt because i have no muscles in the first place. I can only kick the left side of my ass for some reason, and my legs are like jello! Ok, Jillian. I give. If 400lb people can do jumping jacks, i guess i can too." -Steph
"It's 5:32 in the morning and I just ate a MAMMOTH cinnamon roll. I think that means I should've done the Shred at LEAST three times yesterday to negate all those calories." - Me (unfortunately)
"Anyone also notice that in the warm up wind mills, Natalie looks like some wierd life-less doll waving her arms?" -Laura
Ok, now for what you've all been waiting for! Drumroll pleaseeee!!!
After ten days of Level 1 here is what the girls had to say:


"Now, with the first level completed, I have to say that I am impressed. This 20min workout killed my quads in a way that hasn't been done since I tried a 60min kick boxing class last month. Way to go J-monster! I didn't weigh myself (because I don't have a scale), so I measured the day before I started doing The Shred to compare. I lost an inch in both thighs 3/4in in my hips and an inch in my butt. My arms and waist stayed the same, although I will say that I think my arms are looking more toned. I do think that Level 1 focuses hard core on your legs and booty, so I am pleased with the progress there. I do wish that my arms and abs were a little more improved, but at the same time, it's only been 10 days. I am noticing an overall improvement in my body. I have a pair of jeans that I am thisclose to fitting into, so I'm going to try those on once the 30 days is up to see if they will fit. I have them hanging on my wall as works I swear.
For the next 10 days, I'm going to try to incorporate another work out on top of this one, like running, biking or swimming. I did miss doing the work out for 1 day this past Sunday, but I made my boyfriend swim laps in the pool (which for a former swimmer really wasn't all that hard for him) and go for a hour long walk around DC, so at least I did something.
I haven't tried Level 2 yet, although by the time this goes to print, I'm sure I'll have many comments to say about J-monster's quality catch phrases. So far, I think these are good work out to incorporate into your weekly work out routine and you do get the bang for your 20min buck. Its been really great knowing that there are 4 other girls busting their asses every day and everyone is doing an amazing job! Keep up the good work ladies and here's to Level 2! Cheers!"

My first 10 days would have gone a little better, for me I think, if I wasn't on vacation. I walked a lot this week in addition to the shred, but also ate out way more than I would on a regular week. for level 2, I am absolutely making myself do all 10 days. and I'm planning on eating better and of course doing additional work outs, maybe walking around our plan with the dog, if not that, then the elliptical. maybe if I feel like it, I'll throw in a pilates dvd.
So... here's the part I think everyone is interested it...weight and measurements:
lost 3lbs
arms: left arm gained an inch (caught up with my right arm that stayed the same. not sure how that happened)
chest: same
waist: lost an inch WHOO!
hips: lost 1/2 inch
thighs: lost an inch
calves: gained a 1/2 inch

"My biggest thing is how proud I am of myself for working out ten days in a row. It's something I've never done before. Ever. I'll always find an excuse to take a day off, or just skip a workout because I don't feel like doing it. I was the most impressed with myself the weekend we went camping and came back to Ohio dirty and exhausted, and I still managed to push myself to do the workout at 7:00 pm (something like that is absolutely UNHEARD of from me. Usually, if I can't work out in the morning, I tell myself there's no time to do it the rest of the day.)
My most noticeable change? I feel like my back and shoulders are more toned. All in all, in the first ten days of the Shred, I lost two pounds. lost a quarter of an inch off my bicep, my thighs stayed the same (figures, one of the places I MOST wanted to lose from...ugh). I lost a half inch off my waist, 1/4 inch off my hips, 3/4 of an inch off my chest (again...figures...the one place on my body I don't MIND being larger, is where I lost the most, haha!), and 1/4 of an inch off my ass (it's a start!!). Here's to anothr few inches lost in the next ten days!!"

"I never thought level 1 was easy...until I tried level 2. Boy, was I wrong! I'll save the details on level 2 for the next entry though. I actually enjoyed the first level of the Shred. Aside from Jillian's constant random "isn't that right, buddy?" comments, I really loved it! She kept me motivated and I ended up losing 6 pounds during those 10 days. For me, the most difficult parts were the side lunges with the arm raises and the pushups. But I can feel my core start to get stronger. I haven't been measuring myself, but I feel lighter and my arms and legs have never been more toned. The only thing I can complain about is that I think there need to be longer intervals of abdominal workouts. 1 minute is just not long enough.Good job so far ladies! Here's to level 2."

"I have been mostly enjoying my shred experience thus far...although I am a little upset with myself for not measuring myself pre-Jillian taking over my life. I can definitely tell I am getting some definition in my arms and my legs feel more toned. The lunges are becoming a TINY bit easier, and I don't have to take breaks so much. I've learned that I have some pretty weak shoulders when it comes to doing the V squat. Can anyone get eye level, or is it because I'm using weights that are too heavy? I want to say I've lost a couple pounds, maybe 3ish? But I haven't been checking consistently with the scale. I skipped today's workout because I was a badass and went running post Jillian the other day (yeah, what the hell was I thinking?) and seemed to have done something to my left knee. It pops when I squat (haha pop a squat) anyway, and I think the running exacerbated the issue. To make things even better I ate Pizza Hut today! I will definitely be sweating out some carbs and grease when I resume shredding tomorrow. Anyone else experience any injuries thus far other than general soreness? Anyone doing additional exercise? If you have Comcast On Demand I highly suggest doing some of the ab workouts with Marco Reed....or any workout of his, really. Here's looking forward to future shredd updates, best of luck in continued success/weight loss/general healthiness to us all!"
As this posts, we're on day 4 of Level 2 and it is HARD. I expect more inches lost and more bulging muscles...I can't wait for the next update!
Have a good weekend, everybody!!
Way to go ladies!! Keep on gargling your hearts out!
I'm proud of you Ash! I am still a WATP gal. I can only aspire to The Shred!!!!!!!!!!
love, mom
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