Today is day 28 of our 30 Day Shred Challenge, and I think I can speak for myself AND the other girls by saying I can't wait until it's done! I'm bored with it. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm SOOO glad we did it. Anyway, look for our final thoughts next Friday.
Speaking of challenges, there is still time to get in our September Challenge...which consists of 5 workouts a week, three of those being Jillian Michael's "Banish Fat Boost Metabolism". Let me know if you wanna join us.
No, I did not invent a n
ew slang term. Vitalicious is a brand of muffin tops (a food, not the extra chub that peaks out the top of your jeans), muffins, brownies, and mixes. For those of you who are fans of Hungry Girl, you've no doubt read about Lillian's obsession with these. Each is 100 calories, tastes like a decadent treat, and has lots of tummy-filling fiber. Last week, Hungry Girl was running a 10% off special, so I went to the website and ordered their Chocolate SuperSampler. It's kind of pricey, but if you've managed to find these in the grocery store, you'll see you save a LOT of money buying off the website, and there's a lot more selection. Anyway, my SuperSampler arrived Wednesday, and I am pretty impressed! My only complaint is they have a slight fibery aftertaste, but for 100 calories and only 1 Weight Watchers point for a BROWNIE? I'll take it. I've eaten 3 in the last 24 hours (hey, I had to sample a few, and I couldn't pick just one!). I've tried the Fudgy Peanut Butter Chip VitaTop, a Dark Chocolate Pomegranate VitaTop, and a Deep & Velvety Chocolate Brownie. Out of the three, I must say the peanut butter was my favorite, followed by the Brownie, and then the pomegranate. Anyway, these are definately worth spending a little money on and sticking them in your freezer for when you need a chocolate fix. Before you buy, Google "Vitalicious discount code" and you should be able to find a discount code. Seems like the company always has one floating around.
Other Stuff!
Mi Madre and I got into kind of a heated argument last weekend over this article from Time Magazine. It basically says you don't need to work out like a crazy fitness-obsessed freak to lose weight, and sometimes, it's almost impossible to lose. At first, I thought the article was giving people an excuse not to exercise, but after I read the whole thing, it made sense. I was just pissed because I'm of the mindset that the harder you workout, the more weight you'll lose, and that's obviously just not true...because I feel like I'd be fitting into a lot smaller jeans than I am now.
Ya know that weight loss drug Alli? The one that makes you leak poopy ickyness into your underwear? Yeah, it's linked to liver damage now. BUT- the cases seem very rare, and I guess you gotta look at the pros vs. cons on this one.
The American Heart Association is saying what most of us already know: Ya GOTTA cut back on the sugar! Read about it here. Even one can of pop can put you over the daily recommendation. Those dumb guidelines are so hard to follow, though! Like sodium? Who ever stays in their recommended intake for salt? Never me. Ever ever ever.
If you're trying to drop a few pounds and are the proud owner of a Smart Phone, Scottsdale Weight Loss Center has introduced an application for the iPhone, iTouch and BlackBerry smart phones to help interpret nutrition labels. FoodGauge ranks foods from one to five based on how they impact a person’s weight. Users must enter data on fat, carbohydrates, fiber and protein from food labels. The new app is available for 99 cents from Apple iTunes and $2.99 from BlackBerry App World.
Last but not new thing (cause I'm a dork) is typing in words under Google Image Search and finding funny pictures. (see Tuesday's blog for proof). Today, I typed in the word "skinny" and this was one of the first pictures:
How can anyone think this is attractive?! And does this poor model have no one who loves her enough to tell her to EAT?! I feel bad for her...but at the same time she's probably living off cocaine, coffee, and cigarettes, so it's her own damn fault.
Enough ranting though..Ladies, this is what we DON'T want to look like..and I don't think I really even had to say that. Yickity yuck yuck.
Dear God that woman looks like she is from Darfur(how is that comparison? Better?) How can anyone one think that is a good look? I would rather be fat!! Lost a pound, lol..
love, mom
Congrats on your 28th day of the thirty day shred! I am just completeing the 4th week of P90X. I LOVE IT! Although I may not be totally ripped, I fell SOOOO much better! Maybe I will try your challenge after I am done with this program...keep me updated on how it all goes.
Also, I am in for Labor day. We have had too much going on lately with famiy (in-laws) that I haven't have a minute to go and do anything really. So I will see you that weekend! Congrats again on day 28!
PS - that girl is actually scary looking. And she calls herself a model???
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