Upon arrival, we learned their special tonight was "Tanker" beers for 5 bucks. We weren't sure exactly what that entailed, but upon arrival, this is what I got:

Clarion friends, does this look familiar?
Our senior year, every (mostly) Wednesday night without fail, a few of us (mostly me, Sivillo, Braband, and Pat, but sometimes Leah and Kyle) would go to the Roadhouse for Big Beers. It was a way for us to relax and unwind and have a great time on Wednesday nights. Wednesday Night Tradition is one of my fondest memories of college, and I'm glad I got to recreate it tonight with some great Ytown girls.
As hard as this breakup is on me, I have really come to realize who my friends are (new AND old). Everyone has been so supportive and great to me, and even though I may not answer all of your texts about how I'm doing (some of them come at times when I REALLY don't want to talk about it), I definately appreciate your love and support. So, at the risk of sounding like a total cheeseball, thank you everyone for being there for me. It matters more than you even know.
No matter how good or bad life is or gets, we'll always have those nights. MAN I miss that. Really gotta all get back for ALF one year.
Oh man those beers caused a lot of missed Thursday morning classes. Hopefully we can all be in the same place at the same time again.
We used to have some great talks on Wed. Night Tradition. It's a good thing we gave that place a final send off on the Senior Bar Crawl. We'll have to revamp the tradition.
I'm guessing you and Leah need to coordinate another trip (ex. Nuthouse Christmas Party on Dec. 11th).
Miss you you sloth-lover...cheer up!
I'll always be there with tankards. And dessert that doesn't go with beer.
xoxo, Sally.
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