There's nothing quite like a good cut and highlight to lift your spirits. I had it scheduled for 6 weeks, and my appointment fell just at the time I needed a boost. My wonderful stylist Alicia did an awesome job with some red and blonde highlights, and quite a bit of length cut off! LOVE IT!

After my hair appointment, I was supposed to take an hour nap, then meet Sally for some shopping and dinner, then drinks out at O'Donald's with some friends. I fell asleep for three hours! But we still managed to get in a little shopping, a yummy dinner at Red Lobster (Lobster mashed potatoes, anyone? YUM!), then went to the bar and had a FABULOUS time singing and dancing to the local band that played covers of FANTASTIC songs all night long. It was exactly what I needed to lift my spirits.
Saturday was the big Ohio State/ Penn State football game, and while I don't follow college football, I bought an Ohio State shirt to wear, for the sole reason of pissing off my friend Weyman, who was the only Penn State fan in the group. We had a good time, as usual. Beer, football, and wings. Who doesn't have fun with that combination?
Today kind of sucks because Felix and I decided to move out before the end of the year, and we're looking at the weekend of December 4th (it's actually the date we were supposed to go to NYC with Steph and Rich, so we both have 3 days vacation. Yeah, it sucks...but it is what it is.) I decided I needed a little retail therapy to cheer me up, so I went out and spent a lot of money on stuff I'm going to need for my new apartment. I bought a beautful new comforter set, a coffee maker, a toaster, and a Brita water bottle (Felix has one of those water bottle Culligan machines, and obviously he's taking that with him ,but in the last year and a half, I got really spoiled on good water, and don't think I can go back to drinking tap). Of course, I'm depressed, but at least some new stuff has been kind of upbeat about the future. I guess.
AAAAND there's my weekend in a nutshell.
I'm on day shift this week, and that is awesome.
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