Thursday, December 31, 2009
Here's to a Fantastic 2010.
I'm heading down to Pittsburgh to Jody's house tonight. Our friend Sally is driving up from DC. We're eating dinner at Jody's, getting all sassified up, then driving downtown and staying in a hotel and hitting the town. Just us girls. I'm pretty excited for it. What a way to kick off the new year, right? Talk about new beginnings!
Last year Felix and I were asleep around 11:30 (I'm not saying that was a bad thing, I was happy with it), and the year before we just hung out with a few friends and played cards (Nothing wrong with that either).
And yes I miss him today. Stupid holidays. I don't know what it is about a stupid day that makes people miss someone. So I'm not gonna lie. I DO miss him alot. I wonder what he's doing tonight, and I hope he has fun plans, too.
But I have a new dress, a new sassy purse my mom bought me for Christmas, and I'm hanging out with two fabulously fun single ladies tonight in one of the greatest cities EVER! I can't wait!!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Clawing at the Ceiling.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Look What I Can Do: Black Bean and Avocado Sammiches!

My First Dermatologist Appointment, at Age 26.
My doctor was about 167 years old, and looked exactly like this:
After prescribing me a lotion and an antibiotic, he also told me to avoid the following 4 foods:
1. nuts of any kind (including peanut butter)
2. Tomatoes and tomato-based products
3. Colas I can't see through (wish he would've told me that before I bought that 12-pack of Diet coke)
3. Chocolate (crap.)
Apparently these things irritate your skin in times of stress and breakouts. I just thought it was interesting because I've never heard the tomato thing. Maybe it's a load of crap. But he told me to try it all for a month (including the meds he gave me) and then I gotta go back. Here are some other surprising things he told me to do: Don't wash with a washcloth or a body poof, use your hands. Not sure why, but whatever. Also, don't use moisturizer on my face until my skin clears up (even if it's oil-free). He also told me to use oil-free make-up, which is a no-brainer as far as I'm concerned. I don't even know why they would manufacture makeup with oil in I've already got that one covered.
Anyway, if I can go a month without chocolate and tomatoes and the occassional Diet Coke, I better be five pounds thinner with super clear skin.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Happy Music Monday!!!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Weekend Recap.
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
The plan is to head to my mom and dad's in Pennsylvania this morning when I get off work at 7:00 am. The forecast is calling for a chance of freezing rain, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't get too terribly bad. I'm just gonna go for it and take my chances. Spending Christmas Eve without my family was bad enough last night, I'm not going to sit in my apartment all day long on Christmas Day!
I have a busy 48 hours ahead of me...Tonight I'm going to try and see Brandee, tomorrow morning I'm meeting the Brookville True Crew (Beck, Lauren, and Nicole) at Nicole's for coffee and breakfast, then I'm off to Pittsburgh to spend Saturday night with Jody. We're going to some sort of Christmas party. It should be fun!
I'm hoping on Sunday, if all works out right, to meet Leah for breakfast before I head back to Ohio to come into work at 9:00 pm to work another week of ten hour days...but at least I have New Year's Eve night off!!! So I won't complain too much.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas today, and that you're all spending it with people you care about. Hugs go out to all my friends who work in television that can't make it home for the holidays because of works schedules. We all know it comes with the territory, but it still blows.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Great Dryer Dilemma.
I walked into the laundry room and saw that the ENTIRE TOP OF THE DRYER was missing. Just gone. I was kinda pissed, because what was I going to do with my dirty sheets? Put them back on my bed? I just figured that it was broken and that maintenance was fixing it.
By last night, the dryer STILL wasn't fixed, so I loaded up all of my dirty laundry (after just sleeping with a comforter on a mattress for a few days) and hauled it all over to the laundromat. Ten dollars in quarters later, all my laundry was done...and two precious hours of my life were stolen from me.
Tonight, I learned from a girl in another building, that the dryer wasn't in fact BROKEN, but someone was coming around to all the buildings and STEALING THE QUARTERS! So they were coming in during the middle of the night and stealing the tops of the dryers. While I know this is probably considered petty theft, it still kinda freaks me out to know some strung out druggie was coming into my building and stealing all the quarters. The laundry room is RIGHT by my apartment. I hear stuff over there all the time! I just picture myself coming out of my place at 11:00 pm going to work, and seeing some homeless man with a long scraggly beard and a threadbare tossle cap and long military coat jimmying the lock on my dryer,then knifing me because I caught him in the act.
Woe is me.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Happy Music Tuesday!!!
I don't know how long this song has been out, I think it's fairly new. I'm going to download it and put it on my workout playlist...because it's CRAZY!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Mom!! (Just a Day Late)

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Well, I stink.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
When Did This Happen?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Lauren!!

Lauren has recently been a great friend to me, once again, after I got The Boot from Felix. She calls and texts me regularly to see how I'm doing, and I can't thank her enough for that. She's been one of the greatest long-distance friends I've ever had...So thank you, Lauren. I'm so glad you've found happiness with Matt in your little home in Kane, and I wish you a spectacularly happy birthday!!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Winter Has Arrived in Northeast Ohio.
I've been complaining about it since I moved here. I have NEVER lived in a place that does sooo little to treat it's roads during the winter. They don't plow. They don't salt. They don't do ANYTHING. I'm sick of having treacherous drives to work every year during the months between December and March!
It began last night. I had to be into work at 9:00 PM, so I left around 8:30. That should be MORE than enough time to go get gas, grab a latte at Dunkin Donuts, and make it to work right on time.
I hadn't been out of my apartment all day, so when I hopped into my car, I noticed it was WAY colder than it had been that morning, and cars were driving REALLY slowly. When I pulled out onto Mahoning Avenue (the main route from my apartment in Austintown to work in downtown Youngstown), the shit hit the fan. It was HORRENDOUS. An absolute ice-skating rink.
I made it to the gas station and Dunkin Donuts ok, and was breathing a sigh of relief because I was thinking maybe the roads looked worse than they actually were.
Still, after years and years of my dad pounding it into my brain that I was going to DIE if I drove in a dusting of snow, I creepy-crawled my way down the street towards the direction of work. I'm talking, MAYBE 15 miles per hour. First red light comes up, I brake...and aaarrrooouuunnndd I go. I do a complete 360 degree turn on the road, at a speed so slow, I actually had time to say out loud, "PLEASE DON'T HIT THE POLE, PLEASE DON'T HIT THE POLE". I stopped approximately 2 feet away from said telephone pole, and bumped into the curb before coming to a stop. I was right by a restaurant parking lot, so I pulled in to get my wits about me and sit for a few minutes because I was shaking so bad. I sat there for about five minutes, and in those five minutes, I saw four other cars do basically the same thing I had done. The roads were PURE. ICE.
When my trembling calmed a little, I pulled back out on the road. I get no farther than a few stop lights down the road (keep in mind, Mahoning Avenue is a steady slope DOWNHILL from Austintown to Youngstown), when the same thing happens. Around I go, slowly spinning into oncoming traffic. This time my concern was not getting hit by a car coming the opposite direction. So there I am, facing the WRONG way, waiting for other cars to pass me and praying they don't slide into me, before I can gently put my car in reverse and maneuver myself safely into the right lane. I slid AGAIN approaching one of the bridges. I really REALLY thought I was going to slide right into the side of it, but I somehow managed to keep my car on the road. It wasn't just me, either. Cars were spinning out left and right. There was NO ODOT truck as far as the eye could see. Just lots of Youngstown cops parked near accidents, or on the side of the road with their lights on, warning people of their impending doom. It was horrible. It took me AT LEAST 20 minutes to stop shaking after I finally got to work.
And it's like this all the time here!! I think the only reason it's usually not so bad, is that normally I'm heading to work a little before 11pm, so the traffic isn't as bad as it was last night.
All I want to do is win the Mega Millions, so I can move some place warm. Wait. Scratch that. I just gotta move some place that SALTS IT'S FRIGGIN' ROADS and I'll be happy.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
On another note, MTV has decided to take out the scene of Snookie getting hit in the face on this week's episode of Jersey Shore. This pretty much ruins my weekend, as I've been patiently waiting to watch it over and over again on my DVR. In slow motion. For those of you who have been hiding under a rock (or aren't as obsessed with MTV's latest trashy reality show as I am), one of the little Jersey Shore Guidette's gets punched in the face at a club by a dude at the bar. Apparently people caused an uproar, saying MTV was sensationalizing violence, so they pulled the segment. Ugh. What a buzzkill.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Happy Music Monday!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Weekend Recap.
Saturday, I got to meet Pat for lunch in Clarion. We figured out we hadn't seen each other in about a year and a half. But for some reason it feels like it hasn't been nearly that long. Then, I went home and surprised the family and Morgan on her 11th birthday. I stayed for a few hours, then headed into Brookville to see Nicole and baby Adrian. After that, I headed back up to Ohio, and my friend Jason from work brought over dinner, and we ate eggplant parmesan, drank some read wine, watched some T-Pain and 2 Pac videos on Youtube (don't ask), and watched some taped episodes of Jersey Shore. He's SUCH a great guy. He stayed until about 3:00 am, I headed to bed with my laptop and watched a few episodes of Entourage (YAY Netflix!). I didn't go to bed until around 4:30, but that put me right back on schedule to go into work tonight, cause I didn't get out of bed until amost 3:30 this afternoon (GASP! LAZY!).
Tonight, I ran over to Felix's to give him some money for our final bills, and it was weird. I was only there for a few minutes, and then had to leave because of course, I was getting a little upset. Crazy how after just a week apart, I already feel like we're different people than we were when we lived together. After I left, I kind of had an epiphany. I need to stop worrying about how HE's feeling, and concentrate on myself. He's a grown man and can deal with the consequences of his actions. If he regrets it, that's not my problem. I'm not trying to sound bitter, but I guess I just realized it's time to focus on ME.
Tomorrow, I'm setting an alarm, waking up, going to the gym, and getting my life back on track. I can't continue to sit around and feel sorry for myself. It's just going to make me miserable.
Sorry this blog was kind of rushed, I just got back from the grocery store and have to pack a lunch, finish getting ready for work, and head out the door in the next 30 minutes.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Happy 11th Birthday Morgan!!

Friday, December 11, 2009
Ugly Christmas Sweaters.
And the sweater I found? HORRIBLE. I'll post pictures/details soon!! Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Crap Post.
But anyway, here's my post. Love it.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
MTV Trashes it Up to the Next Level.
Here's a clip:
Warning: Once you start watching, you can't stop. It's like a bad car accident that totally puts Real Housewives of New Jersey to shame.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Back to Work.
I'm looking forward to getting back to my normal routine of working, sleeping, working out and repeating. It's been a tough few days. In some ways it's been WORSE than I expected, but in others it hasn't been as bad as I thought.
The apartment is mostly unpacked except for a few things sitting around that I can't figure out where to put because of my limited space. I actually hung some pictures up myself, too. Not sure if they're exactly centered or straight...but what are ya gonna do?
I'm doing my best to remain optimistic, and I'm hoping the worst is over. I'm grateful that me and Felix's work schedules were always pretty opposite, so I don't really have to get used to sleeping alone, because I already do that. The weekends are the toughest, so I'm just doing my best to stay busy. Pat gave me some advice and told me to go out, even when I don't feel like it. There have been times in the last few days that I just wanted to sit at home and feel sorry for myself, but when friends have asked, I've forced myself to go out to dinner, drinks, whatever is on the agenda. I figure if I keep saying no, eventually the invites will stop. So I've been making myself go, and for the most part, I'm glad I have. I've said this alot lately, but I'm really blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. I'm hoping the depressing blog posts will start to get few and far between, so if you're getting sick of reading about Woe is Ashley, stick with me...hopefully that's all going to come to an end.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Happy Music Monday!!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Bonus Sunday Post.

There ya go, Pat! I posted your George Michael look-alike pic. Hope you're happy!!!!
Weekend Recap.

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Guest Blogger #3: Patrick

Breaking up sucks. It can make you miserable....depressed...angry....and about a billion other things. We've all been through it. This is where I start out on the whole "nobody should define their own happiness through another person" rant. There's a long story that could be inserted here, but it would probably be SO long, and SO boring, that it'd be bad enough to drive all of Ashley's readers off to for the day. Anyways, it's not the relationship that matters anyways, it's what came after. I pretty much went into a downward spiral when it ended and partied my face off. The happiness I got from going out with my friends seemed like enough at the time to get me to the next day. I ended up as sick as I'd been in years, and missing 3 days of work due to the legitimate sickness. During my days of laying in bed, I started writing, and the following is an excerpt of what I was apparently going through at the time.
5 days afterwards...
"There is a pretty good chance that this past week has been the worst week of my life. Alright, maybe not the WORST, but we're definitely talking top 5. It was so bad, that I watched Pineapple Express in it's entirety without cracking a smile. It started last Friday when I got the call. "My feelings just aren't the same as they were..." And with that, my world came to a screeching hault. It killed me...I literally felt like I died inside. I know everyone probably says this about someone they're still crazy in love with...but she was so much freaking more. This girl loves sports, lives for college football and is best friends with all of my best friends. Will I ever find that again? Nope, not even close. That's the toughest part. That is something that is tough to wrap my mind around at this point. She was quite possibly the greatest girl I've ever met. Sure, we had some problems, and it wasn't always 100% perfect...but that wasn't because of fighting, jealousy, or mistrust (like my past relationships)..."
12 days afterwards...
"...I'm still torn up inside. Her and I have talked a few times, but not at any length, and really not about us. I have expressed how much I'm hurting, but she doesn't want to talk about it. I hope it is because her feelings are hurting too. I hate to wish any ill feelings towards her, but I just want to know she is feeling it too. It's always worse to be the last one to have feelings go, and you always want to be the first one to move on...but I don't see either happening yet. I certainly couldn't fathom moving on. She still means too much to me. Tonight was particularly hard. Although the day was graced with the Sunday joys of a Steeler playoff victory, afterwards, everyone either headed home...or pretty much went off to bed. I spent the majority of the night hanging out by myself in the living room...too much time to think. I don't know what the answer is from here on out. I have an interview for a job later this week, and my basketball season starts in 2 days, so I can only hope each of those goes well and I will be able to put my focus there. I certainly need to put more focus into getting back into the gym, and that needs to happen starting tomorrow."
Let me preface any of your thoughts with "Yes, I fully acknowledge how pathetic most of that is." But when it comes down to it, my entire day was revolving around "us" at that point. That isn't healthy, ever. While I'll always be grateful for the time that we spent together, I don't think I'll ever learn more about myself than I have in the year since it has been over. 2009 has seemed to be one of the fastest years of my life, and you know what they say about time when you're having fun. It's more than just that though. It scares me to think about what I would have missed out on if we had held on to something that apparently wasn't going to work in the long run. I had been from relationship to relationship for about 5 years at that point, and had been re-defining myself...always by the relationship I was in. This year I took time to getting back to being me. I have experienced things which I would have undoubtedly passed up on if things hadn't changed. I wouldn't have grown as I have. I wouldn't have matured as I have. Most importantly, I certainly wouldn't have put the time and effort into building and holding onto the friendships that have made me who I am today. The best part of all of this for me is being wrong. I couldn't have been more wrong about 99% of the stuff I wrote in those days following. It didn't kill me. Who knows, I might find that again...maybe even something better. 2009 couldn't have started off any worse for me...and has ended up being one of the best years of my life.
***Update about stuff I mentioned - I didn't get the job, my basketball team made it to the semi-finals, I got back into the gym, and of course...the Steelers won the Super Bowl. Oh yeah, and the girl? We still talk regularly, she's an amazing friend, and I still get "Happy (Insert Holiday Here) texts from her Mom.
(On a slightly more Ashley related note, I spent last week in Pittsburgh and although we didn't get to see each other, it reminded me of one of the greatest nights I've ever spent on the Southside. Ash came out with me and all of my best friends from high school, sporting a "Let Me Eat Dem Weiners" shirt that my buddy had made. Classic.)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Guest Blogger #2: Braband.
First off let me just say it’s a great pleasure to be guest blogging for my dear friend Ashley Wynkoop.
Let’s give Ash a standing ovation for her dedication and kick ass commentary she has provided us on a daily basis. CLAP….CLAP…..CLAP….CLAP. Blogging is a serious job. I attempt to make funnies on my mediocre blog each day and it is tougher than doing the wheel barrel race with Heather Mills McCartney.
Ashley Wynkoop and I go way back to our days as drunk sloppy maniac’s really good students, at Clarion University. My first impression of Wynkoop was that she was bossy and danced like Elaine on Seinfeld with a weird involuntary tic. See below:
We’ve had many adventures and crazy mishaps as buddies while at Clarion University. None of which can be recounted on here because I know Ashley’s mom reads this blog and the content would be rated NC-89. Make sense? Hi, Mrs. W.
One final homage to Wynkoop – she can bust balls. No other girl I know would let me talk to her like a jackass and dish it right back. It’s comforting to know that we’ll be buddies for quite some time…..
I am here to write a small diatribe about the game of professional football. Before deciding on this tremendous subject, here is a list of topics I considered writing about:
1. “No, I Will Not Buy You Tampons.”
2. The History of Nacho Cheese
3. Everything Our Generation Knows About Relationships, We learned from Saved By The Bell Re-Runs.
4. Why Guys Won’t Date You If You Watch The Hills
5. Spelunking
(I’ll return one day and let you know why watching The Hills will lower your chance with men, seriously that garbage is toxic and causes loss of multiple brain cells)
While all those topics are informative and important, I think I need to reiterate the importance of America’s Game.
Football is not just a “silly game,” it is a life necessity (insert manly grunt, here). We need the entire weekend dosage of competitiveness and downright brutal violence – it helps us become better people. I am not just talking about Men. Woman need the fulfillment of watching their favorite team (or favorite guys butt) win a ball game too. The sensation that comes from watching your favorite team win a football match is greater than any feeling that can be created in or outside your normal life! Am I right?
Think about, if a guy’s favorite team wins the 1:00pm game, he’ll do anything for his lady.….for the rest of the day. A dude couldn’t be happier after his team seals up one more “W” in the win column. You could take a 5 mile run in old gym shoes, stomp around in dog poo-poo, and we’d still give you a foot rub because the Steelers beat the Vikings (hypothetically. This is not based on actual events).
More and more I see my lady friends get into football. My girlfriend gets just upset as I do when her team loses and she has been known to throw an item or too. My mom may scream “RUN” during replays but, her passion for the football is greater than what it was when I was actually playing the game. This is awesome. I encourage more and more females to learn to love the game that has engulfed all our Sunday afternoons. Just don’t buy a Pink jersey…….
(Side note: All Women who are from Pittsburgh are football/Steelers fans. It’s in their blood. Their blood may have an alcohol content of 2.7 but, it loves football!!!)
Football gives us a reason to drink beer before noon and eat bratwursts for breakfast. If “Tailgating” were a major in college, I would have graduated Super-Ultimate-Cumme-Lada….with a minor in Condiments, not Communication. However some people may take tailgating a little too far. Here’s looking at you, drunk people from Oakland, CA. I love to tailgate with the best of them but, there is no reason to puke on your jeans while missing the entire fourth quarter cause you’re face first, swimming in a sea of pee, in the nearest Men’s room urinal trough. Getting sauced up enough to yell and wave your terrible towel for four quarters and still have the human ability to…. walk, a key to thoroughly enjoying your Sunday afternoons. Don’t be a dick.
I’ve graduated high school, I’ve graduated college, I’ve got my ugly mug on television in a staring role (dream of mine) BUT, none of that compared to the feeling I had when I watched……in person….the Steelers win the Super Bowl. Some may call this feeling “lame” and for me to “find a freaking hobby” (Hey, I whittle wood) but I don’t care. For those don’t know what this feeling is like (Sivillo, and the rest of the people living in Ohio) – it’s great. You feel like you have completed a major accomplishment in your life, without actually doing anything. All the credit goes to the 53 men down on the field but, somehow, you feel apart of that. And it’s the best feeling ever. Better than having sex, while playing XBOX, on a pile of money.
If you are somehow still a “hater” of the game of Football I suggest you look for an apartment in Fallujah, because you are no longer welcome in this country.
So there you have it, I have an obsession with a sport where men wear tight pants and slap each other on the ass. Come on, I’m not the only one…..
My name is Steve and I am a silly goose. Here is my blog. Read about sports and become super awesome and important, like me. –
Go Steelers!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Guest Blogger #1 : Matt
My name is Matt, and I am today’s guest blogger. I enjoy long walks on the beach, watching my beloved Cleveland teams break my heart over and over again, WWF Wrestling Buddies, and above all things, music. I write a music blog in my spare time so I thought my guest blog would tie in two awesome things in my life…music and my zebra-print snuggie…I mean, Ashley Wynkoop.
Have you ever noticed that there are certain songs that will always remind you of certain people? Well there are definitely certain stupid songs that I hear that will always remind me of Ashley. She actually recommended a few bands to me that stuck with me throughout the years. So without further interruptions (because this feels like I’m writing an essay) here are the…
5. Anything by Something Corporate
Something Corporate always reminds me of Ashley (even though they don’t exist anymore) because they are her favorite band, or were at some point. I had only heard a few of their songs before meeting her, but she introduced me to “Konstantine“, the bands 9-minute piano-laden, band-defining anthem. It’s a hell of a tune and when I hear it, it always reminds me of good times in college.
4. “Since U Been Gone” by Kelly Clarkson
As awful as this song is, I thought it would be funny to learn how to play it on the guitar so I could play it at parties. I think I learned the song in my last semester of college and I pulled it out at a party over at Eidemiller’s one night and I think we almost got a noise complaint because of it. Ashley, Leah, and Andrea always made me play it whenever I had my guitar at a party after that point. NOTE: I no longer have any recollection of how to play this song.
3. Anything by Dashboard Confessional
One reason Ashley and I get along so well is that I am a balder version of Chris Carrabba. What can I say? Apparently, I do a damn fine job of covering his music, and I never would have had the confidence to play some of the open mic nights if it wasn’t for Ashley and the other WCUB kids telling me to go for it. I never got as many complements in one night as after I sang D/C one night at the old Gemmell Rotunda. Even though I can’t listen to as much of the whining music anymore that I used to listen to in college, Ashley and I have always shared a stupid infatuation with the kings of emo.
2. “Landed” by Ben Folds
This song takes me back to the newsroom at WCUB, where everybody would fight over the CD drive while writing the news over the course of the day. Unfortunately for Steph Holt and Leah Lovelace, Ashley won most of these battles because she refused to ever sleep in like normal people and would show up at dumb times of the morning to write pointless news (I’m guessing this is why she was the first to get a job out of all of us ’05 grads…hahaha).
One day she discovered this song for the first time and I think she played it at LEAST 20 times over the course of the day. I like Ben Folds, but once you hear a song 20 times in one day, you’ll never forget it…ever.
1. “Master of Puppets” by Metallica
Bet you didn’t see that one being dropped. Ashley isn’t the most hardcore person I know, but you know who is...Steve Braband. When Steve, Ash, (Pat, Kyle, and/or Leah) and myself would go to Red River Roadhouse for our Wednesday Night Tradition, Steve would always complain about the crap music that would always blast out at him from the blown-out speakers from Wynkoop’s old Ford Escort.
So one night Steve and I confiscated the stereo and inserted Metallica’s S&M album with the incredible live version of “Master of Puppets” on it. Steve and I went nuts head banging most of the way home as I recall. Ashley, despite maybe not enjoying the music, certainly laughed her ass off…probably while contemplating why she was friends with such losers.
[I can’t believe I remember that…seriously.]
So there ya go…hope you enjoyed it. Good luck on the move Ashley! Come visit your friends in Farmington!
P.S. - Ashley has a unique love of sloths. I encourage all of her current co-workers to paste cute pictures of sloths onto her computer desktop on a weekly basis to brighten up her day.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
When it Rains... it Pours.
Anyway- speaking of moving, I picked up my keys Tuesday and managed to haul two car loads of small stuff over to the new place before my cold kicked me into submission. Felix came home from work and I was curled up on the recliner, staring blankly at the TV, begging him to go get me soup from Panera. Obviously, he didn't. That, in turn, made me angry, and I avoided him the rest of the evening. We have less than two more days of living together, and we've been getting along for the last 4 weeks, so I'm not going to let my crappy mood ruin the cordial attitude we've had with each other in the last two days.
On a positive note, I called my gas company yesterda, because I was looking at my bill and realized we had a $3 credit on our account, which means I don't have to pay the $115 bill this Friday like I thought I did. That gives me money to buy lamps for my new place (turns out, the light switches are wired to wall outlets, and if you want any light in the living room or bedroom you gotta get some lamps. Felix bought the ones that are in the apartment now, so they're going with him, and that leaves me with no light). Also, Felix already gave me the $50 bucks for his half of the gas bill. I was trying to tell myself it would be ok to just keep his money, and that he'd never know I didn't have to pay this month's bill, but karma got the best of me and I confessed and gave him his money back. Sigh. Sometimes I wish I could be more malicious.
Look for Sivillo's guest-bogging post tomorrow! I haven't seen it yet, so I'm hoping it's gonna be a good one!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Making Progress.
Last night I got most of Talia's stuff packed and boxed up (luckily she brings most of her stuff from her mom's every other weekend and doesn't keep a ton at our place..just a few games and toys and stuffed animals). I also got the majority of my clothes closet cleaned out and packed up.
Today when I wake up, I get to go pay my first month's rent and pick up my keys. I figure I'll make a few trips back and forth to try and get rid of all the stuff I've already packed, to make room for more stuff. My hopes are that I can get the majority of everything over to the new place by Thursday and all that will be left is furniture and a few odds and ends.
It's not helping that I didn't get out of bed until almost 4:30 yesterday afternoon. I'm stuffy, my throat is swollen, and I feel like I've been fighting off a horrible cold for the last two weeks. That paired with the fact that it's getting dark when I wake up now, and the whole thought of moving pretty depressing. I don't blame myself for staying in bed as long as I can!
Look for my guest bloggers on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday!! I'm looking forward to what these guys have to say on my blog...with Sivillo, Pat, and Braband, nothing is ever boring, that's for sure.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Happy Music Monday!!!
Now if only I can find one of those black leotards and heels....
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Weekend Recap.
The bride, Mandy, and myself
Me and the groom!
The beautiful bride and her new hubby
Their gorgeous daughter Jocelyn
The whole family!
Congratulations Danielle and Marty!!!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
I did, however, get alot of stuff CHEAP at Kohl's this Black Friday. Go me!
Done and done.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving.
The last month has been obviously stressful for me, but in my good moments (and firstly, I'm thankful that I have more good moments than bad), I realize how incredibly lucky I am to have the life that I do. Soooo without further ado, the things I am most thankful for this year. I'll try not to get too saptastic.
My Friends.
Up until things started heading south with Felix and I, I don't think I realized how fantastic my friends are. In the 2 and a half years I was blissfully in love, I did what most people do. I didn't keep in touch, or hang out as much as I should have. It goes with the territory, and I think everyone understands that. So naturally, when I realized Felix and I were NOT going to work things out, I kind of freaked. But then, an awesome thing happened. Friends came out of the wood work. People I haven't talked to in years started messaging me on Facebook, offering their support. Friends from high school (Lauren G.) I haven't talked to in forever, called me and let me pour my heart out. Certain friends who all work at ESPN in Connecticut call me/text me/leave me voicemails of them singing to me. Married friends (Sally) are willing to stay out with me until all hours of the night, just because it's hard for me to be at home. New friends take me out to dinner on Wednesday nights for margaritas to break up the monotony of the last few weeks before I move. College friends text me every single day just to see how I am (Steph). People invite me over and cook me dinner. Guys at work pat me on the back and ask me if I need any help moving, because they heard rumors through the grapevine. One guy even writes me poems at work, just to make me smile. It's absolutely amazing and I feel so blessed and loved and lucky to have these people in my life. I never realized how fully THERE for me they were. I hope that they can count on me the same way I'm counting on them.
Yes, I'm thankful for him. Incredibly thankful. Before he came into my life, I had a string of guys that made me just feel BAD about myself. I was lonely, didn't like my job or where I was living, and had totally given up on the concept of a "nice" guy. I was bitter, bitter, bitter. Then I met Felix. I think I needed an actual MAN in my life who knew how to treat me with respect. He's never made me feel bad about myself. He's always called me beautiful. He's always been supportive. He's never been dramatic or ridiculous or jealous. He made me feel good about myself, and through him I grew a new confidence that I never realized I was missing. He made me a better person, and I hope I had the same effect on him. You know, I've never been the type to think there is just one "soulmate" out in the world for everyone. I think your life can take many different paths, and there isn't necessarily a "wrong" one that will lead to unhappiness. Felix was brought into my life to teach me what a good man is. I am going to miss him BOAT LOADS. I love him dearly. I will never speak poorly of him, and I am thankful.
I'm thankful we're getting through this so maturely. I don't know HOW it's happening...but by the grace of God, I think we'll be able to eventually be friends. I'm also thankful that I'm learning that heartache gets easier as you grow up. I'm thankful that the tears don't come quite as easily as they used to. Not that I'm not upset, or sad, or heartbroken. But now I'm confident enough in myself that I realize we're not breaking up because of something I did, or something I could've prevented. People grow apart. It doesn't mean he never loved me. Somehow it makes the whole thing a little easier.
This is an obvious one. My mom is one of my best friends. I call her every single morning on my way home from work. If she's off work, most of the time she even gets out of bed for my call, and will go back to sleep for a little while after we hang up. Who can say they have a mother like that? I have a mom who loves me enough to cry if I tell her I'm looking at jobs in other states, but she's also a mom that would fully support me in any decision I choose to make. My dad is fantastic, too. I was blessed with an amazing sister who was born when I was 16 years old. She's now a ridiculously smart and talented 10-year-old. I have an adorable nephew Brady, who continually amazes his family with all the baby stuff he does...and we all just stare at him in rapt attention when he's around. For all of them, I am thankful.
I could go on and on and on about things I'm thankful for, but these are the main three. What are you all thankful for this year?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I need to get some updated pictures over Thanksgiving, though! I don't have a lot of pictures of my dad, and he's like 40 pounds thinner than these pictures!
Happy Birthday Dad! I love you!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
We went downstairs, and started to make a pile of stuff we wanted to get rid off, which included three pillows and a rug. Then I said, "Eh, I'm not in the mood for this" and came upstairs.
Five minutes later, I hear him say, "screw it" and he came upstairs.
Looks like not too much has changed, we're both still going to wait until the last damn minute to get all this stuff done. Once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator, eh?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Happy Music Monday!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Weekend Recap.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Happy Friday!
But I will restrain from doing that for two weeks. I WILL be an adult about this. DEEP BREATHE.
Ok, anyway, just so you know, this is how my day started:
Literally TWO MINUTES after I woke up, I walked into the kitchen, started coffee, went to put it back, and dropped it. Coffee is a BITCH to clean up. So I took a picture of it. I even tried to sweep some of it back in (we're in a recession), but then saw some hair and decided against it. Needless to say, Felix gets the coffee when we move. I'll buy new.
My new GPS came in the mail today, so that was a highlight. At least I don't have to be worried about driving anywhere with MapQuest directions.
Couch to 5K Update.
I'm completing week 3 today or tomorrow, and I'm still loving it. Week four is when it really kicks into gear where I know I'm going to have to push myself. BUT--my fear of running is disappearing, which is the point of the program. And the treadmill has been helping me to clear my mind. So far, nothing but good things to say about the program.
Have a good weekend!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A Post About Nothing.
I don't really have anything to write about today.
So, some random blurbs.
***I went out with my friend Rachel last night to Salsita's for dinner and margaritas. It's the first time we got together just she and I -- we usually see each other at get togethers. Felix is friends with her boyfriend. But she's such a cool girl and we keep meaning to hang out and we never do. So tonight we did. We had a lot of fun and I'm hoping we become better friends. Plus, she bought dinner. Awesome. Nothing puts me in a good mood like some frozen strawberry margaritas and chicken fajitas!***
***The weekend I move, I've enlisted some "guest bloggers" to write a few blog posts for me while I'm up to my ears in boxes. I'm going to write little intros for them, since I have committed to writing a blog post every day for a year, but they'll do the brunt of the work. Stay tuned for posts from Matt Sivillo, Pat Muldowney, and Steve Braband the weekend of December 3rd. I've given them free reign to write about whatever they want, so I'm a little frightened. I'm hoping they won't ALL blog about sports, but hey. Whatever floats their boats. This is exciting! GUEST BLOGGING WOO-HOO!!! And please, I don't want anyone to get offended that I didn't ask THEM to blog for me. Who knows, maybe there will be another time in the future when I'm breaking up with my boyfriend, moving out, and changing my entire life path...then I'll ask a whole new round of people to write for me.***
That's all, folks.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Quote of the Day
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Eat, Pray, Love.
I'm only on page 89, but already I feel like this book was written FOR ME, and can see how it's easily going to be one of my favorites.
Here are a couple little excerpts from the book that really hit home with me. The context won't make much sense unless you've read the book, but maybe they'll make you curious enough to pick it up yourself and read it.
"The Augusteum (a neglected building in Rome) warns me not to get too attached to any obsolete ideas about who I am, what I represent, whom I belong to, or what function I may once have intended to serve. I might have been a glorious monument to somebody -true enough- but tomorrow I could be a fireworks depository. Even in the Eternal City, says the silent Augusteum, one must always be prepared for riotous and endless waves of transformation."
This one is my favorite (so far, as of page 89):
"My mother had made choices in her life, as we all must, and she is at peace with them. I can see her peace. She did not cop out on herself. The benefits of her choices are massive -a long, stable marriage to a man she still calls her best friend; a certainty in her own strength. Maybe some things were sacrificed, and my dad made sacrifices, too- but who amongst us lives without sacrifice? And the question now for me is, what are MY choices to be? What do I believe that I deserve in this life? Where can I accept sacrifice and where can I not?"
And finally, this is from an email Pat sent me (we both work overnight and email each other semi-frequently) about this stupid break up I'm going through: "....but regardless, I know you well enough to know that you are going to come out of this a much better/stronger/smarter/ more resilient person. You're SO much stronger than me...and if I can get through some of this crap, I know that you can."
That brings me to this. I've had a lot of my close friends telling me how strong I am. And I've had some not-so-close friends tell me how strong I am. Where do you guys see this strength? Because on days like this, I sure don't feel it. Or see it. At all. And why do I have to be strong? I don't want to have to be strong. I want things to go back to the way they were three months ago, when I was happy. I know I'll be happy again, but I just don't feel like I should've ever lost that happiness, and why do I have to struggle to find it when I was content before? I just don't think it's fair.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Happy Music Monday!!!
read this): ""f*ckin' right! Makes me want to chug beers and have sex! Arghhh!" And while I think it IS a pretty catchy, fun song, it doesn't have QUITE that effect on me.
So, without further ado, here is "The Reeling" by Passion Pit!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Weekend Recap.
Since I was on dayshift, I didn't get out of work until just before 7:00 pm. Came home and Felix and Talia were watching tv, and they had brought me home Belleria (Cavatelli and of my favorites!!). So, I stuffed my face, then we all relaxed and watched the Disney movie "Up". It was REALLY cute, and of course, I cried. Figures- It's about a man who's wife dies and he sets out to do what they always said they would. I'm a sucker for that kind of storyline. After the movie was over, Talia went to bed, and I went upstairs to catch up on some television (I have ALOT to watch before Armstrong comes and gets our DVR's in a few weeks!) I fell asleep around 10:30 and slept like a baby.
I was on a mission to find new bedroom furniture, and succeeded! 6 months, no interest, same as cash. That means my income tax will be going solely towards a new bed, mattress set, chest, dresser, and mirror. But at least I don't have to worry about bedroom furniture now, and it's one less thing I have to worry about moving because they'll deliver it to my new apartment on December 5th. I've never had a new mattress before, either. They've always been hand-me-downs, so I'm kind of excited for it. I may need to take back the new comforter set I bought, though. The finish on the wood of the bedroom set is a mixture of deep cherry and a dark espresso, so I'm not sure it'll match. Anyway- with the bedroom furniture ordered, that means all the major items I need for my new apartment are taken care of, except a microwave.
***sidenote***to prove how well Felix and I are getting along through this: We have a huge vase that we throw our change in. On Friday, I asked him to cash it in to see how much was there, and then we'd split it. We had $80, and he gave it all to me so I can buy a microwave since the one we have is his. See? He's a nice guy.
After I picked out furniture and set it up to be delivered (We still haven't told Talia about everything, so she and Felix went to Target to kill some time while I did what I had to do), we headed over to the mall to get some ice cream, then went to the movies and say "A Christmas Carol". It was ok- but I guess since I've known the story since I was little, I was less than impressed. After the movie we came home and I made lasagna and garlic bread. We stuffed ourselves on a late dinner and then hung out the rest of the night. When Talia went up to watch TV in her room, I headed to the bedroom to watch TV and Felix played some sort of video game downstairs. The whole situation could be a lot worse than what it is. I'm not sure HOW or WHY Felix and I are getting along so well through this whole thing, but we are, and I'm thankful for it.
It's back to night shift tonight, so my plan is to hit up the grocery store, then take a nap to get my schedule flipped back around. Exciting day, I know.
Tomorrow it's back to the gym full-time and eating healthy. I've definately let myself go the last month or so, and I'm starting to feel it. The jeans are getting a little snug, and I just FEEL crappy. I've let myself be pathetic for long enough, it's time to get it together!