Friday, July 31, 2009
Home Sweet Home...?

Thursday, July 30, 2009
VA Beach Day 4
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
VA Beach Day 3
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
VA Beach Day 2
Well, Felix is up now, so I'm off to enjoy my first full day here!! I think today we're going to get some sun and try to go parasailing.
I'm the happiest girl ever!
Monday, July 27, 2009
VA Beach Day 1
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Holy Crap!
I can't guarantee I will post every day this week, though I'll try. I do promise to come back and post for the days I miss (but I probably wont miss, I'm pretty dedicated to this lousy blog!).
A few things:
1. Four other girls around the country have signed up to do the 30 Day Shred with me, beginning August 1st! I am BEYOND excited! More details to come, but if you're interested, leave me a blog comment or shoot me an email and I'll get back to you. Don't text me, because although I've decided to NOT go completely without internet this week, I AM going to keep my BlackBerry turned off.
The girls who are brave enough to shred are as follows:
**Andrea from California**
**Becky (aka the Fit Wife) from Atlanta**
**Laura from D.C**
**Steph from Pittsburgh**
and **ME from Youngstown**
I'm so pumped that we're all going to try and do this together. If you want in, let me know!
Mommy, please don't get mad at me for saying "bitches".
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Fit Friday!!!
Alright, so, I think I touched on this a little last week, but I wanna talk about this a little more in depth. I've been think that even though I work out for an hour or so at least 4-5 times a week, my lifestyle is otherwise sedentary. I watch TV, and I sit at a desk at work. And while I try my best to take the stares, and take breaks and walk around, I really do NOT move as much as I should.
So I bought a pedometer.
The Surgeon General recommends 10,000 steps a day for health and fitness. Depending on your stride, that's about the equivalent of 5 miles a day. I didn't realize just how HARD it is to achieve those steps!
To clear it up a little, a pedometer does NOT measure other activities besides walking/running. So, if you're on a bike, it doesn't register. So I guess technically if you work out, you don't HAVE to reach 10,000 steps, as long as you're getting a moderate level of physical activity. ANYWAY, My goal this week was to reach 10,000 steps a day. I only accomplished it TWICE, and that was by taking FOUR MILE WALKS around town during the day. Insane! I didn't workout Tuesday at all, and only registered around 3,000 steps. It's really opened up my eyes to how sedentary I am. And here I thought I was active!
Interested in a pedometer? This is the one I bought, and so far, no complaints. Very easy and simply to use. Seems accurate, too. I want to buy the Fitbit but it's a little pricey ($99), and it's not even available until August.
**30 Day Shred**
I've gotten SO bored with working out lately, that I need to switch something up. Let me make myself clear, I'm not entirely UNHAPPY with the way I look, but it's gotten to the point where I enjoy working out and challenging myself and eating healthy because I FEEL better and I'm HAPPIER. That being said, I don't want everyone thinking I'm on some quest to get super skinny, because I know I'll never be that without being miserable. I'm comfortable in my own skin (or at least getting there). Anyway- I've had Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred for months, but usually only do it when I don't feel like working out, or need to get something quick in because it's only a little over 20 minutes. Then, every time I do it, I realized it's the hardest 20 minutes of my life!
Beginning August 1st, I'm starting the 30-Day Shred. It's meant to be done EVERY DAY. No days off. The DVD has three levels to it, so I'm going to begin at Level 1 and do ten days of each level. Since it is only 20 minutes, I'm also going to try and combine it with daily walks (gotta get in those 10,000 steps!) at least 4 times a week. I need to switch up my routine and I'm hoping this is the way to do it. It's a challenge. And it works! Google "30 Day Shred Results" and look at some of the before and after pictures! It's Amazing! Anyone wanna try it with me? Let me know, I'm starting it the day after I get back from the beach. I'll take my measurements and see how much I shrink in 30 days.
**Recipe Recap**
I've found the BEST recipe for a healthy version of hot wings. They're boneless and baked and they are AWESOME. Like, amazingly awesome.
-1 pound boneless skinless, raw chicken breasts, cut into nugget sized pieces.
-1/2 cup Fiber One original cereal, ground up to a breadcrumb like consistancy by a food processor or blender.
-2 ounces (about two servings) light Mesquite BBQ Pringles, crunched up into small pieces (put in a baggie and break up.
-6 tablespoons Frank's Red Hot
-Cayenne Pepper
-Adobo seasoning
-Garlic Powder
-Black pepper
Preheat over to 375. Mix together Fiber One, crunched up Pringles, Cayenne Pepper, black pepper, garlic powder and Adobo seasoning (use your judgement, there's no specific measurement) into a medium bowl.
Coat raw chicken with Frank's Red Hot. Piece by piece, roll chicken in Pringles mixture and place on a cookie sheet that has been sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Bake for around 1o minutes, or until the coating is crunchy and chicken is cooked through.
That's it! LOVE LOVE LOVE this recipe!!!
Sorry. This took longer than I thought and now I'm sick of blogging. No links. And Fit Friday will be on hiatus next week because I'll still be at the beach! And while I plan on posting every day, I think I'm just going to post a single picture every day and then wait to tell all my Vacation Tales until the week after we return.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Looking for Participants!!
Every day. For 30 Days. But it's only a 20 minute workout.
Takers? Anyone? Please?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Susan Boyle Beats Obama.
...While I hesitate to really get into my political beliefs on this blog, I do have this to say: I think President Obama needs to stop having primetime Press Conferences. I just read something somewhere that he has had more than any other President for as long as he's been in office. If the guy wants to be on television so bad, he should've moved to Hollywood.
Anyway, thank GOD Fox had decided not to air the press conference, because So You Think You Can Dance is on tonight and I would be crushed if I couldn't see the top 8 perform
Also, read this to find out how Susan Boyle kicked Obama's ass.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Weekend Recap.
After lunch, the other morning show producer gave me a ride home in her convertible with the top down! Made me want one for my next car!!
I came home for a few hours because lunch was early afternoon, then Felix and I went out for Mexican and Margarita's with our friends Lyz and Wayman. They're moving into a new condo, so we went and checked that out before coming home and crashing.
Saturday we were up semi-early to help our friends Marty and Danielle move into a new apartment. It really didn't take long, and we were done by noon.
Steph and Rich came up later that afternoon! I had been looking forward to their visit for weeks!! (Steph and I try to schedule a "date" once a month, but more often than not it turns into every other month.) We take turns, so it was their turn to visit after we made a trip down to the Burgh in March.
We went to this new restaurant that just opened called "Drake's Landing". The food was phenomenal. I ordered caramel apple porkchops, and they were FANTASTIC. I've never ordered porkchops in my life, but these were amazing! It was a little pricey for my cheap-self, but it's definatly my new go-to special occasions restaurant.
After dinner, we headed over to Sports World for some mini-golf, batting cages, and go-carts!
We had to laugh because we came to the conclusion that Rich and I are the "cuddlers" in our respective relationships, while Steph and Felix were the "anti-affectionates".
After a great time at Sports World, Felix and I had to introduce Steph and Rich to the wonderfulness that is Handel's ice cream (new favorite for me? Graham Central Station. Amazing.) Then we stopped off and bought some beer and went back home for a few rousing rounds of Yahtzee, Trouble, and Boggle. Turns out, Rich is really really smart when it comes to finding words and odds. Who'da thunk it?!
I love when we get to visit with Steph and Rich! We've already set our next date...September 12th. I guess that's what happens when you're a grown up and have responsibilities. You gotta make plans MONTHS in advance. So next time it's their turn to entertain us in one of the greatest cities in the country...PITTSBURGH!!!!
I don't have anything to write about Sunday. I didn't go see Felix play softball because that's what I saw all those fraudulent charges on my debit card, so spent most of the morning on the phone fighting with National City.
I realized we don't have a free weekend until the end of August. Between camping trips, vacation, and scheduled Girl's Nights Out..it's going to be a busy rest of the summer!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Earn Your Own Friggin' Money and Leave Mine Alone!

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Fit Friday!!!
One week from now, I will officially be on VACATION!! And exactly 9 days from now I'll be lounging on the beach in Virginia!! WOO-HOO!!!
*Weekly Recipe*
I said I was going to make a light version of strawberry pie this week...and I did, and it was ok...but it's definately not worth writing about. It was too much work, and the results were just mediocre.
BUT- I did find a yummy healthy breakfast I'll be eating regularly, and I came up with it myself!
Have you seen the Dunkin Donuts commercial for their new "Wake-up Wrap" that looks like this:
It's really pretty yummy, and the one I tried had bacon on it, clocking in at just 190 calories. 190 calories doesn't seem like much, until you actually get one of them. They're TINY. I could easily eat 2, maybe 3 if I were being hoggy.
My version has 202 calories, and 12 grams of fiber, and it's TWICE as big as Dunkin Donuts' version.
Here what you do:
-Scramble two egg whites, set aside
-spray large pan with cooking spray, lay in large tortilla (I used La Tortilla Factory's Soft Wrap, 90 calories and 12 grams of fiber)
-tear up a piece of Kraft Fat Free Singles American into three pieces and lay them across one half of the tortilla.
-Take two pieces of cooked turkey bacon (zapped in the microwave), add them to the tortilla, add egg whites, and fold over tortilla so it looks like a quesadilla. Flip once, let each side get nice and brown.
I bought a pedometer for $13 bucks from Amazon.com this week. It came yesterday, but I only wore it for a few hours because I was wearing a dress to work and didn't have anywhere to put it. This next week I'll see how close I'm getting to the recommended 10,000 steps per day. (In addition to my daily workouts...because a pedometer only measures steps, not other movements).
Speaking of walking, I've been setting off on long walks around the neighborhood after my workouts. I've compiled a list of things I am loving and hating about these early evening strolls.
-It clears my head
-allows me to actually get outside and enjoy the weather
-I get to investigate the neighborhood
-My iPod is getting more use than it has in the last year
-I enjoy putting my iPod on shuffle and noticing how my pace changes according to my music. (Example: I tend to stroll when the Righteous Brother's "Unchained Melody" comes on, and I ALMOST want to break into a job whenT.I's "Big Sh*t Poppin' plays).
-It's extra exercise...duh.
-I'm not sure if it's just the squirrels in Austintown, or everywhere..but these creepy buggers make me feel like they're playing chicken with me on the sidewalk. They wait to run away until I'm like, a foot away..all the while staring at me out of the sides of their faces. Stupid squirrels.
- Is it just me or are Japanese Beetles back with a vengeance? I remember when I was little and our neighbors put out those smelly bags attached to posts in the ground that would attract them, and they'd die in the bags. I walk past a BUNCH of these during my walks, and while they make me slightly sick to my stomach, I'm intrigued by the sheer NUMBER of dead ones in the bottom of the bags. There has got to be literally THOUSANDS of them. Yuck!
-I don't like when kids ride their bikes towards me and I have to move out of the way. When I was little, I feel like we had more respect for our "elders" and got off the sidewalk so they could pass. Yet another difference between Youngstown and Brookville.
-I also don't like when kids try to get me to stop and talk to them. This seems to happen more than you would think. Not that I have anything against kids, but I really don't want their mommy's and daddy's thinking I'm going to try to snatch them out of the yard, and "who's that creepy walker lady?!"
-The nice Mexican fellows that always seem to be sitting outside of their house in lawnchairs every day, just looking around. I'm not sure if they are, but I feel like they're looking at my ample booty as I quickly pass by.
Social Smoking CAN be harmful to your health.
Don't get too exciting about slipping into that smaller size. It's all relative.
Is being chubby REALLY a bad thing?
Too broke to be thin? Think again.
Do you get enough sleep? Here's a calculator to help you find out.
What does 100 calories look like? Test your portion knowledge.
Make it a great weekend!!!
I'd at least like the comfort of a Marlboro Light while I'm being shot at.
We all know the dangers of smoking, but also know the dangers of putting your life at risk for your country. If a soldier wants to smoke a cig in the field, BUTT OUT and let him smoke! Surely the government has better ways of spending money than funding a study as ridiculous as this one.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Hang in There Youngstown, You're Alright!
I don't know Ytown, this looks like it was made in the 70's, and you're STILL not alright! Those "troubled waters" seem to keep getting deeper and deeper!!!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Is a Size 0 the Norm Now?

Umm...am I missing something? These girls don't look "plus-sized" to me! Do they? Apparently this line is for big girls that begin at a size 10. Is size 10 really considered chubby? I'm confused. I don't get it. No, really. Really? If that's the case, then I think we need to start calling anything a size 6 and under "anorexic fit".
I'm not bashing you if you ARE a size 6 or under, I'm just trying to put it in perspective.
I'm guilty of feeling that sick pleasure of fitting into a smaller size, just like any other female on the planet, I just wish there was a way we could all get past obsessing about it so much. Let's just all exercise when we can, eat as clean as we can, and be strong and healthy! I know I sound like a creepy motivational speaker, but geeeez.
Does this make anyone else sick besides me?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Happy Music Monday!!!
Anyway, I've had Barry White's "My First, My Last, My Everything" stuck in my head for the last three days. It's SUCH a fun song. I can't help but dance and smile whenever I hear it. So I searched on YouTube for it, and up popped a scene from Ally McBeal where one of the guys (his name escapes me now, it's been so long) dances to it in the mirror. Enjoy!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Weekend Recap.

Look how Freakin' cute she is!!! I think she looks exactly the same, but like she has a basketball under her shirt. Adorable! Six weeks to go until we all get to meet baby Adrian!
It was soooo nice for all the girls to be back together again!
After the shower, we all went home to visit our families (my dad spilled ketchup on the back of my dress, which was fine, until he yelled because he felt bad and then I cried. But that was fast and furious and then it was over).
Then I picked up Nicole and Lauren again and we headed out to Brandee's sister Angie's house for a cookout. After a little more chatting around the campfire, we all were pretty tired so I took the girls home and headed back to Ohio. Right now we're keeping our finger's crossed that Lauren's house in Kane is still standing after tornado warnings in the area!! (Although I think I would've heard by now if her house was swept away Wizard of Oz style).
We had a blast, it just makes me sad the five of us are so spread out that we only get together every once in awhile...Hopefully we'll be able to organize something BEFORE Nicole's wedding shower/bachelorette party next year!!
Right now, it's Sunday morning and I'm sitting on the recliner watching Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason on TBS. Felix is at the grocery store, and I'm going to wake Talia up in a few minutes to get her ready to go back to her mom's. Then it's softball, nap, and another week of work! (and I know you're curious...so it's exactly 14 days until we head to the beach..and just ten more days of work!!!!)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Fit Friday!!!
Speaking of Jillian Michael's, she was on the cover of Self Magazine this month, and I REALLY liked what she had to say, because I can definately identify with it:
-Jillian Michaels, Self Magazine July 2009
Words to live by, folks!!!
So, rewind to last Fit Friday, I said I was going to begin making/reviewing one healthy recipe a week. This week I cooked up a very lightened up version of a cheesey, beefy, quasadilla (kind of adapted from Hungry Girl's , but I tweaked mine and I like it better).
These things rocked my socks! LOVED them! I ate one for breakfast four days this week.
Here's the recipe:
-1 large high fiber/low calorie tortilla ( I used La Tortilla Factory's high fiber smart wraps)
- 1 serving Boca ground crumbles (I swear you can't even tell this isn't ground beef)
-1/4 cup fat free shredded cheddar
- 1 wedge The Laughing Cow Light Swiss
- 2 tbsp light sour cream, divided
- 1/4 tsp dry taco seasoning mix
In a small microwave-safe bowl, combine soy crumbles, fat free cheddar, taco seasoning, 1 tablespoon of light sour cream, and stir. Microwave on high for 30 seconds, mix again, and set aside.
Lay tortilla flat and spread Laughing Cow cheese wedge evenly over one half. Bring a large pan sprayed with nonstick spray to medium heat, and lay tortilla in it with the cheesey side up (obviously). Top the cheesey half with soy crumble mixture.
Carefully fold the plain tortilla half over, pressing down with spatula to seal. Cook for about a minute, until slightly toasted. Flip and repeat!
Cut into triangles, top with the other tablespoon of sour cream and salsa.

290 calories or cheesey awesomeness. And since there's so much fiber? It keeps you full for hours!
I'm definately keeping this recipe review thing going, because I get sick of eating all of the same stuff everyday. Next week I'm going to make Strawberry Pie. Yum!
I was also going to pick a splurge food every week, but I didn't have one that was overly exciting in the last 7 days. Unless you're a producer for a morning television show, and your live reporter goes to a Greek festival and brings you back baklava. Then, the baklava is DEFINATELY a splurge food. Not that I would know anything about that.
I also want to take a minute to tell everyone how absolutely fabulous my mom is. She's been dutifully following Weight Watchers and has lost around 30 pounds. I can't even begin to describe how proud of her I am...and my dad,too. He's a walking fiend who has lost a bunch of weight as well. They're both awesome for taking control of their health...I want them both to be around for a very, very, long time. Love you guys!
I'll leave you with this fun fact courtesy of Women's Health Magazine: People who seldom smile in college photos are FIVE TIMES more likely to divorce than those who smiled more.
So smile away!! Be happy!!!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Remebering Michael.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Thought of the Day.
I get terribly irritated by people who think they're photographers just because they have a nice camera and can take ultra-close-up pictures of things to make them seem "artsy".
Take this picture, for example. This isn't art, it's a goshdamn close-up of a brick wall. I'm capable of this, and trust me when I say I DON'T take great pictures.
How is this artistic?
Monday, July 6, 2009
Happy Music Monday!!!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Weekend Recap.
So, at one point Sally was telling me about a local gay bar she had been to, and how much fun it was, because you could dance and have a good time without guys coming up behind you and grabbing you, and being creeptastic. I was feeling a little spontaneous, so I said, "Let's go now!"
Off we went to the gay bar! AND- they were having a "foam party", which means the dance floor is set up with hoses in the ceiling that shoot foam. We danced around in the foam and had an absolute BLAST. Came home around 2:30, had to take a shower to get the soap out of my hair, and went to bed. Really one of the best, most spontaneous nights ever!

After that, we came home and crashed on the recliner for about an hour. I was beat from the night before, and Felix claims he's old (I prefer to call him "vintage"). After that, we decided to take up Sally's offer to join her at a picnic in the tiny city on the outskirts of Youngstown, called Campbell (pronounced like "Camel" by everyone in Youngstown). Talk about insane! Never have I witnessed anything like the city of Campbell of the Fourth of July. EVERYONE shoots off fireworks in their backyard. Everywhere. Watch this video:
I don't think I can accurately describe the insanity of this place. We were in the middle of a neighborhood, with people all around us, and EVERYONE was shooting off fireworks in their backyards. And I'm not talking about your run-of-the-mill backyard sparklers. Everyone was shooting off the big ones in every single backyard. After I got over the initial feeling of being in a War Zone, I enjoyed it.
Can't wait until next weekend...Nicole's baby shower is Saturday and then a night out in Brookville. It should be interesting, to say the least.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Fit Friday!!!
Dairy Queen came on the show to talk about this new blizzard earlier in the week. One of the perks of working on a morning show is that they ALWAYS bring samples. I probably ate half of a small, and this thing was SOOOO worth it. I told Felix we HAVE to go this weekend to get another one. Who doesn't love peanut butter? I MIGHT ask for an extra little squirt of fudge in there to make it more chocolatey. MMmmm!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I've been waiting to reach this milestone for a LONG time.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Opinions Needed.
Obviously, I'll take my phone WITH me, just in case something happens, but my goal is to keep it turned off from the moment we step into our hotel until the moment we get home (yes, that means no phone on the 8+ hours home while Felix is driving. That is going to be KILLER). I honestly don't know if I'll be able to do it, but I'm going to try.
This is where I need your opinion:
I'm trying to decide whether or not I should also give up the internet (no facebook, hotmail, etc.). HOWEVER, because of my weird dedication to getting through this "blogging every day for a year" experiment, I HAVE to take my laptop. I have every intention of writing a blog post every day while I'm down there, even though it will probably just be a picture every day. I guess what I'm asking, do you think I'd be able to take my laptop for blogging purposes, and actually stay away from everything else? Is it worth the sacrifice just to see if I can do it?
I'm so friggin' dependent on technology, it's ridiculous. I want to see if I'll actually DIE if I don't check my email and facebook 83974383 times a day. I'm not much of a phone chatter, but texting? I do it a gazillion times a day. Do I really need to do that while I'm at the beach, or should I just sit back and relax and enjoy my first real vacation in YEARS.
Opinions, please!!!!!