Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fit Friday!!!

**Beach Countdown**
One week from now, I will officially be on VACATION!! And exactly 9 days from now I'll be lounging on the beach in Virginia!! WOO-HOO!!!

*Weekly Recipe*
I said I was going to make a light version of strawberry pie this week...and I did, and it was ok...but it's definately not worth writing about. It was too much work, and the results were just mediocre.

BUT- I did find a yummy healthy breakfast I'll be eating regularly, and I came up with it myself!

Have you seen the Dunkin Donuts commercial for their new "Wake-up Wrap" that looks like this:

It's really pretty yummy, and the one I tried had bacon on it, clocking in at just 190 calories. 190 calories doesn't seem like much, until you actually get one of them. They're TINY. I could easily eat 2, maybe 3 if I were being hoggy.

My version has 202 calories, and 12 grams of fiber, and it's TWICE as big as Dunkin Donuts' version.

Here what you do:

-Scramble two egg whites, set aside

-spray large pan with cooking spray, lay in large tortilla (I used La Tortilla Factory's Soft Wrap, 90 calories and 12 grams of fiber)

-tear up a piece of Kraft Fat Free Singles American into three pieces and lay them across one half of the tortilla.

-Take two pieces of cooked turkey bacon (zapped in the microwave), add them to the tortilla, add egg whites, and fold over tortilla so it looks like a quesadilla. Flip once, let each side get nice and brown.



I bought a pedometer for $13 bucks from this week. It came yesterday, but I only wore it for a few hours because I was wearing a dress to work and didn't have anywhere to put it. This next week I'll see how close I'm getting to the recommended 10,000 steps per day. (In addition to my daily workouts...because a pedometer only measures steps, not other movements).

Speaking of walking, I've been setting off on long walks around the neighborhood after my workouts. I've compiled a list of things I am loving and hating about these early evening strolls.

-It clears my head

-allows me to actually get outside and enjoy the weather

-I get to investigate the neighborhood

-My iPod is getting more use than it has in the last year

-I enjoy putting my iPod on shuffle and noticing how my pace changes according to my music. (Example: I tend to stroll when the Righteous Brother's "Unchained Melody" comes on, and I ALMOST want to break into a job whenT.I's "Big Sh*t Poppin' plays).

-It's extra exercise...duh.

-I'm not sure if it's just the squirrels in Austintown, or everywhere..but these creepy buggers make me feel like they're playing chicken with me on the sidewalk. They wait to run away until I'm like, a foot away..all the while staring at me out of the sides of their faces. Stupid squirrels.

- Is it just me or are Japanese Beetles back with a vengeance? I remember when I was little and our neighbors put out those smelly bags attached to posts in the ground that would attract them, and they'd die in the bags. I walk past a BUNCH of these during my walks, and while they make me slightly sick to my stomach, I'm intrigued by the sheer NUMBER of dead ones in the bottom of the bags. There has got to be literally THOUSANDS of them. Yuck!

-I don't like when kids ride their bikes towards me and I have to move out of the way. When I was little, I feel like we had more respect for our "elders" and got off the sidewalk so they could pass. Yet another difference between Youngstown and Brookville.

-I also don't like when kids try to get me to stop and talk to them. This seems to happen more than you would think. Not that I have anything against kids, but I really don't want their mommy's and daddy's thinking I'm going to try to snatch them out of the yard, and "who's that creepy walker lady?!"

-The nice Mexican fellows that always seem to be sitting outside of their house in lawnchairs every day, just looking around. I'm not sure if they are, but I feel like they're looking at my ample booty as I quickly pass by.


Social Smoking CAN be harmful to your health.

Don't get too exciting about slipping into that smaller size. It's all relative.

Is being chubby REALLY a bad thing?

Too broke to be thin? Think again.

Do you get enough sleep? Here's a calculator to help you find out.

What does 100 calories look like? Test your portion knowledge.

Make it a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think you are a creepy walker lady..and people better NOT be looking at your bottom!! Remember that drunker jerk at Katie's wedding? I'll kick their as*es.

love, mom