Look how Freakin' cute she is!!! I think she looks exactly the same, but like she has a basketball under her shirt. Adorable! Six weeks to go until we all get to meet baby Adrian!
It was soooo nice for all the girls to be back together again!
After the shower, we all went home to visit our families (my dad spilled ketchup on the back of my dress, which was fine, until he yelled because he felt bad and then I cried. But that was fast and furious and then it was over).
Then I picked up Nicole and Lauren again and we headed out to Brandee's sister Angie's house for a cookout. After a little more chatting around the campfire, we all were pretty tired so I took the girls home and headed back to Ohio. Right now we're keeping our finger's crossed that Lauren's house in Kane is still standing after tornado warnings in the area!! (Although I think I would've heard by now if her house was swept away Wizard of Oz style).
We had a blast, it just makes me sad the five of us are so spread out that we only get together every once in awhile...Hopefully we'll be able to organize something BEFORE Nicole's wedding shower/bachelorette party next year!!
Right now, it's Sunday morning and I'm sitting on the recliner watching Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason on TBS. Felix is at the grocery store, and I'm going to wake Talia up in a few minutes to get her ready to go back to her mom's. Then it's softball, nap, and another week of work! (and I know you're curious...so it's exactly 14 days until we head to the beach..and just ten more days of work!!!!)
Sounds like a great day!!
love, mom
It was so great to see you this weekend! I had a great time just visiting and catching up! You look great too, I know I said it a million times, but I am saying it again! I love the photos. I posted mine too so check them out. Thanks for all the good laughs this weekend, serious talks, and jokes as usual!! Great time had by all!!!
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