So, at one point Sally was telling me about a local gay bar she had been to, and how much fun it was, because you could dance and have a good time without guys coming up behind you and grabbing you, and being creeptastic. I was feeling a little spontaneous, so I said, "Let's go now!"
Off we went to the gay bar! AND- they were having a "foam party", which means the dance floor is set up with hoses in the ceiling that shoot foam. We danced around in the foam and had an absolute BLAST. Came home around 2:30, had to take a shower to get the soap out of my hair, and went to bed. Really one of the best, most spontaneous nights ever!

After that, we came home and crashed on the recliner for about an hour. I was beat from the night before, and Felix claims he's old (I prefer to call him "vintage"). After that, we decided to take up Sally's offer to join her at a picnic in the tiny city on the outskirts of Youngstown, called Campbell (pronounced like "Camel" by everyone in Youngstown). Talk about insane! Never have I witnessed anything like the city of Campbell of the Fourth of July. EVERYONE shoots off fireworks in their backyard. Everywhere. Watch this video:
I don't think I can accurately describe the insanity of this place. We were in the middle of a neighborhood, with people all around us, and EVERYONE was shooting off fireworks in their backyards. And I'm not talking about your run-of-the-mill backyard sparklers. Everyone was shooting off the big ones in every single backyard. After I got over the initial feeling of being in a War Zone, I enjoyed it.
Can't wait until next weekend...Nicole's baby shower is Saturday and then a night out in Brookville. It should be interesting, to say the least.
Sounds like you had a great 4th. We went to Corsica..nuff said!! I did eat a cheeseburger and fries. Could not finish it and don't want another one any time soon!!
love, mom
Gay bar, huh?
Mom, I know you...and trust me, the gay bar was NOTHING like you're picturing in your head:) So relax!
Wow Ashley, you look great! Ok, so I said your whole name instead of you know Im serious! I am glad you had a great weekend! See you very very soon!
Looks like so much fun!! and Lauren's look awesome!!!
I guess I am disappointed then...I was expecting a leather bar type deal with the village people running around. You know the leather chaps with the butt cheek cut outs!! lol
love, mom
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