Ladies and gents: I am disgustingly addicted to caffeine.
I never thought I had a problem. I wake up every morning, and drink a cup of coffee, but mostly because I read in Women's Health that coffee can help you burn more calories during your workout. Granted, you all know about my love for Dunkin Donuts Iced Latte Lite's, but that's because I like the taste. Right? Maybe not.
Ok, here's what happened: I stayed out REALLY late Saturday night (like, didn't get to bed until almost 4 am). I woke up on Sunday morning around 8:30 a.m. so I could see Talia for a little bit before Felix took her back to her mom's. Felix had coffee made, and I poured a cup, but left it sitting on the end table and forgot about it.
Fast forward to a few hours later, I decide to go to Felix's softball game to see our friend Lyz, and I was sitting there talking to her and realized I had a dull throbbing in the back of my neck and the top of my head. No biggie, I chalked it up to a few-too-many beers the night before. It got really hot outside, so I peaced out. I had to go to the grocery store, then try and sleep before going into work at 9pm that night. As I'm walking through the grocery store, I realize I'm feeling a little nauseous. And my head was starting to hurt worse. I grabbed what I needed, skipped Giant Eagle (yes, I go more than one place so I can take advantage of all the deals. What?), and promptly drove home. After I unpacked my groceries, I went upstairs to nap. I never really fell into a deep sleep, but drifted off for about an hour and a half. I wake up to an absolute MIGRAINE of a headache. Can't move my neck, it's hard to see, and I feel like I'm going to die. I'm sweating. I'm feeling sick to my stomach. I start to panic because I was CONVINCED for a few minutes that I had swine flu, and how would the station replace me when I'm producing BOTH hours of the morning show for two weeks while our other producer is off?
In my panic, I realize I hadn't had my cup of coffee that morning.
So, in one last desperate attempt, I brew a pot. I swear, after a few sips, my headache eased slightly. Half a cup in? Headache's almost gone and I'm not sweating. After a full cup, I feel almost 100%. By the time I got out of the shower a half hour later, I felt absolutely, completely better.
It's my caffeine addiction. I couldn't believe how SICK it made me. I can totally understand why meth and heroin and crack addicts relapse. If caffeine withdrawals are even a quarter of what drug withdrawals are, I'd totally be hitting the crack pipe again. No question.
1 comment:
Yeah I love me some caffeine too!!
love, mom
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