The ones up front came from the second batch, which wasn't as good as the first. I tried to use up all of the extra filling, which just resulted in them baking over. But they still tasted yummy!
After baking cookies, Felix and I headed to Brookville for a few hours to see my Aunt Dayna's family. It's crazy my cousin Katie is married and pregnant with her THIRD kid, and my cousin Josh, who is in the Air Force and I NEVER see, is married and just had his second baby. It was awesome to see everyone. It happens so rarely. I don't mean this to sound rude, but I always forget how much I like my family until I spend time with them! I wish everyone wasn't so busy and we could do it more often. I can't believe I forgot to take pictures! My camera was in my purse and I just didn't do it. Whoops!
After Felix and I left Brookville, we headed BACK to Ohio, straight to have dinner with our friends Wayman and Lyz. We didn't get there until around 9:00, but Wayman made his famous spaghetti sauce (SPICY!) and we watched the Penn State game. Both of us were exhausted, so we went straight upstairs when we got home and went to bed.
This morning Felix and I cleaned the ENTIRE house, and now we're headed to the grocery store. I'll come home and nap for a few hours, then it's off to work for one more week of ten hour days!
This just in: Looks like I'm going to Chicago over Thanksgiving with Felix to meet his other sisters! One weekend I'll be in Chicago, then the next we'll be in NYC with Steph and Rich! We're jet-setters, what can I say?
1 comment:
I made cookies and candy as gifts for my fam & friends last year! (I want to try one of those pecan-y things.) I did it for all our friends & some family who live across the country. It was way easier than I thought, they travel well and people tooooooootally dug it.
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