For example, I used the first half of the year looking forward to our Virginia Beach trip (with little things to look forward to break up the monotony of being a grown up and doing nothing but working). Now that the trip has come and gone, I'm now counting down the days until Felix and I head to New York City for 3 nights with Steph and Rich in December.
I learned today that besides the three days I have off work for our NYC trip, I have three more vacation days to burn before the end of the year. Our company policy is use 'em or lose 'em. We don't get paid for them, and they don't rollover.
All day I've been trying to figure out when to take those three days...and how to break up the months until NYC with my little plans from week to week to keep me sane.
Beginning September 21st, our 6pm producer is going to be gone for a month, so our executive producer has asked me to fill in for two weeks, and our other overnight producer to fill in for two weeks. To me, this sounds like a vacation!!! TWO WEEKS OF SLEEPING AT NIGHT!?! And working normal people hours?! I don't care how hard the job is, I'm looking forward to it!! So, it basically means I can't take off the entire month of October because we're down a producer and there is no one...and I mean NO ONE to fill in. For now, I'm counting down until the weeks I fill in at 6pm because I'm looking forward to sleeping at night for two weeks.
After that, November is here. I'm thinking of taking my three days the second week of the month.
When I come back from that, I'll have two weeks or so of work until it's time for NYC. Then, of course, comes Christmas shortly after that...then New Year's! I feel like the rest of this year is going to fly by in a blink of an eye, and I'm so glad I have lots of little things planned in the meantime to get me through and to look forward to!
PS- If you didn't see the comment Pat left on yesterday's post, he was making fun of my "yet to be seen" pink fish. Well, we're making progress. LeeLo (yes, I decided to name her. I can't have a dog, so I'm compromising) is getting hungry, so she's starting to peek her head out of her hiding spot. This is what I managed to get today...after zooming in on my phone.

See, Pat! There's a real fish there...Felix did NOT get me a rock! :)
Ok, you have a fish. Your fish now has a Lindsay Lohan complex, anytime it shows its face in public there's paparazzi Ash snappin' away with the 'ol Blackberry sendin those nude fish pics straight to TMZ and Perez Hilton.
I greatly look forward to the day I check the blog to see your cute little fish in a cute little fish sweater.
I have nothing to say besides: Baaahahahahahahahahha that cracked me up! Oh pat, you're too funny. And I'm not being sarcastic here.
If i send you a picture of my fish, can you photoshop a sweater on it? THen I'll make it a permanent part of my blog header or something.
Fish.sweater. Sometimes Pat IS funny, and not even at our expense!! Methinks you bigtime TV types should take some vacay days and visit your pals the Lovelaces down here in Baltymore. I promise I'll make it worth your while! And by worth your while I mean Glenn will make crabcakes and pancakes and various other types of cakes plus we can probably squeeze in a trip to ESPN zone. Think about it!
Congrats on your job fill in or AKA vacation :) Sorry I missed you last weekend...I know I was busy and figured you were too. Many more to come though!
PS - I love the pink fish by the way!
I love you Ash, but I think the pink fish is kinda creepy with that big old eye lurking in the gloom. Maybe when you get more than a murky headshot I will see the charm!!
love, mom
P.S. Patrick you ARE hilarious!!!
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