***You MUST read The Time Traveler's Wife. Excellent book. I heard the movie sucks, but I'm going to watch it anyway. I also just started The Last Time I was Me by Cathy Lamb. It was something I had reserved at the library, but I can't remember where I saw it or why I reserved it, but I really like the style of writing already and I'm only on like, page 10.
***I am officially a Normal Person for the next two weeks. My work schedule will be 10:45 am until 6:45 pm. I'm ecstatic! I can't imagine a world where I get to sleep with Felix for two straight weeks (get your minds out of the gutter, people. I actually mean SLEEP)!! Time will tell whether I'll crave the "normalcy" of my overnight shift, or if I'll fall in love with day shift and never wanna go back to my regular schedule. My blog posts for the next two weeks might be a little more sporadic as to when during the day I'll be posting them. I usually do it overnight at work, but I think management might frown upon me blogging right in front of them instead of devoting my full attention to the 6pm News.
In other news, it really looks like Kate got a boob job. Good for her. Go get 'em, Tiger.
***Hmmm, what else? Oh yes. I have discovered something called Speed Shopping. Last night, I had about 20 minutes before I had to meet a few coworkers for dinner, so I went to Target. In 20 minutes, I managed to find 3 sweaters and a pair of jeans. I even tried them on. The 20 minutes also includes checking out. I think Speed Shopping is the way to go. I was WAY more successful than when I spend all day wondering around, trying to decide whether or not $25 bucks is too much to spend on a sweater. Just do it.
I am very impressed with your speed shopping incident. Mine did not go so well. Yesterday I left work a few minutes early because I needed to get white out for work and compound w for Morgan. I happened to get behind a prissy upper class chick buying cheap stuff at the Family Dollar. She was so certain of her superiority that she felt it was okay to run things back and forth to her car while they were still ringing out her items. She didn't want bags.
Then the lady in front of me bought 8 coffee cups that had to be individually wrapped in newspaper. She had a handful of coupons, which I admire. Un- fortunately she wanted to use 3 coupons when you were permitted to only use 2. The solution was to ring up the 3rd item separately.
Finally it was my turn. I had left early so I did not keep Dad waiting at work. Well that was a joke as he waited for 10 minutes..and they did not have compound w.
love, mom
i am reading the Time Travelers Wife right now! I'm about 3/4 way through and I have to say that it took me a little while to really get into the book, but once i did, i was hooked. I heard the movie was good but that was from someone who was obsessed with the book. But I'll probably see it anyway. I love Rachel McAdams...if they made a movie based on my memoirs, I would have her play me. Have a great weekend with the kids!
i'm all for speed shopping! i love it!!! :) so the book.. really? were you hooked from the beginning or did it take a while?
I don't know anything about this stupid show or any of these stupid people, but regardless...the guy is right.
I panic too much when there's no time. Then I just end up being late. Or buying something I return. :( What's your secret?
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