Shampoos like this show up in my shower every few weeks and it cracks me up:

Why is it so funny, you ask? If you look closely, it says "deep clean" and "de-glue". Obviously, this shampoo is Felix's. I don't know if you've ever SEEN him, but he SHAVES HIS HEAD. Why does he need shampoo that deep cleans and de-glues? What does de-glue even mean? What made him BUY this, anyway? The word de-glue is not very enticing.
Also, he buys shampoo like, every 3 weeks. I don't even buy shampoo that often. And he doesn't waste it, it gets used. I imagine him in the shower vigorously scrubbing his head, over and over and over again, like he has OCD, with handfuls of de-gluing shampoo. Maybe even laughing hysterically.
Yikes, how funny is that! Deglueing? I can understand if you have lots of hair with lots of product in it. Perhaps he just loves the scent?
love, mom
do he perhaps use it as a body wash as well? Thats the only explaination I can come up with for a guy that shave his head going through shampoo that fast. I don't go through shampoo that fast and I have long hair...I also have about 3 different kinds of shampoo at any given time, but that's beside the point.
L, it's not the bodywash hypothesis. He has 2 or 3 body washes in the shower at any given time. He always smells great, so I guess I can't complain! Also, at this point, I have two different shampoos, all economy-sized bottles. I usually have 3, but just ran out of 1 yesterday:)
I heard your voice as Iread this saying "WTF?" This is too funny!
I hope you both are doing well. I seem to have gone MIA since the start of school again...sorry!
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