Friday, October 23, 2009

Couch to 5K Friday.

I've got to get my ass back in gear. When we did the 30 Day Shred, I worked out for THIRTY DAYS IN A ROW. Granted, those workouts were only 25 minutes long, but I found the time to do it every day, no matter what. I also upped those workouts and did something more challenging. I felt good, I was proud of myself. So what happened? Now I'm lucky if I make myself work out 3 days a week! I feel like crap.
That's why I've decided to do the Couch to 5K Program.
I need a goal. I'm sick of bouncing around in my basement to an aerobics DVD. Plus, I've always DESPISED running. Hated it. I don't even remember the last time I ran a mile. So, I'm going to train for a 5K, and then I'm going to find one and I'm going to run it.
This program makes it seem SOOOO easy, and I started this week. It starts you out SUPER slow, so you can get your body used to running. It advises that even if you're in decent shape, and the first few weeks of the program are easy, don't push it. Your body needs to adapt to the new kind of exercise. After adding more intensity every week, in 9 weeks you're running 30 minutes without stopping.
Week 1 of the C25K (as I'll now call it) calls for a 5 minute walk on the treadmill, followed by 1 minute of jogging, and 90 seconds of walking. Repeat for 20 minutes.
Monday, I headed to the gym and did the workout and it was EASY. I jogged at a slow pace and felt proud of myself for it. C25K advises you do the program 3 times a week, then move on to the next week. Tuesday I woke up and did Jillian Michael's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. My intentions were to do the C25K program on Wednesday and Thursday.
Then Felix got appendicitis.
That ruled out any type of workout either of those days.
Fridays (today) are hard to workout because I only sleep 4 hours. I'm going to try my HARDEST to make it to the gym today and tomorrow morning before Steph and Rich get here, but I'm taking care of Felix, plus I gotta clean the house before Saturday...So I might be starting the C25K all over again next week. I'm already disappointing myself. *sigh*
Then I'll probably get swine flu 3 weeks in and have to start AGAIN.

Anyway, that's my goal. I'll get there, it might not be in 9 weeks, though. But I WILL do it.

1 comment:

L said...

Are you using the Robery Ulery podcasts??? I have those and I like it...except I'm not training for a 5k, I just wanted to get into running. I'm only up to week 6but the first time I ran 25min straight, I was so proud of myself! I despise it was a HUGE accomplishment for me. Good luck and perhaps I'll try to get back on the running wagon. The only problem is that its getting colder and I hate running on a treadmill...we shall see. Also, i just ate the rest of my jelly bellies and thought of you as I tossed out the popcorn flavored ones. Thanks for making me feel less isolated with my anal retentiveness.