Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Perks of Living Alone.

Turns out, living by myself definately has its advantages. Take today, for example. If I was still living with Felix I could never have done the following:

*Gone to bed at 3:00 AM after four hours of watching Weeds on Netflix Instant on my laptop, in my bed, while eating peanut butter toast and drinking Diet Dr. Pepper.
*Woke up at 7:30 AM, watched four more hours of my bed...on Netflix.
*Made lunch, went BACK to bed around 1:00 pm.
*Slept until 7:00 PM until it was time to get ready for a new work week.

I feel like that sort of laziness can't possibly be tolerated by a live-in significant other. If not the laziness, at least the crumbs in the bed.

Today was a good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Crumbs in bed...very definitely not!!!!!!!

love, mom