Tuesday, April 13, 2010

God Has a Sense of Humor.

I've come to the conclusion that God likes to play tricks on me. Without going into detail, I've been waiting for a call from one of the following cities: Charleston, Norfolk, Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, Columbus, and maybe a couple more. They're all phone calls that could change my life. Hopefully for the better.
Anyway- I was talking to my mom on the phone yesterday afternoon and when I hung up I saw I had a missed call. It was a number I didn't recognize, so I Googled it and it was a number from Charleston, South Carolina. My heart literally stopped momentarily. I'm sure of it. So, I waited for a voicemail....and one didn't come. I frantically texted my friend Sally and asked her what I should do. She said to call it back and say I didn't want to miss an important phone call. After a few deep breaths, I called back.

It rang several times before someone picked up the phone.

It was an older lady, who simply said, "Hello?"

At this point, I was kind of confused, but pretty certain it wasn't a missed call that was life-changing-worthy, and I didn't want to just hang up on the lady so I said, "Umm, I received a missed call from this number and I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something important."

The poor lady (bless her heart, isn't that what they say in the south? "Bless her heart?!") went on for probably five minutes about how she misdialed because she thought her father had heart failure and was shaking when she dialed the phone. She kept talking. I kept listening. Really? What was I supposed to do? So, after she spoke for awhile, our parting words were me reassuring her that her father would be in my prayers and how I hoped everything would be ok.

Really, God? REALLY?

What are the ODDS that out of all the missed calls in the vast universe, I'd get one from a city where I was HOPING would call me? God, you're funny. You're a funny, funny guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Lord is definitely a card....but he's a good guy. Keep waiting, you will get your call. Sometimes it's not what we expect, though so be warned!!

love, mom