Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jennifer Hudson is Hawt.

Alright, soooo Jennifer Hudson is the new spokesperson for Weight Watchers, and rightfully so, because she looks AMAZING. She kind of inspired me. I've tried Weight Watchers two other times, but NEVER lost any weight because I would blow it on the weekends by not counting points, and probably having one too many beers. So I convinced myself it wouldn't work for me.

Well- me and two other people (I'm not gonna name them because I don't know if they want me to call them out on a blog) have decided to give it another go.

I followed the program to the T the entire last week...and today was my first "weigh-in".

I'm down 2.8 pounds!!!

I don't think I've EVER lost that much weight in a week (unless you count college when I took Xenedrine before ephedrine was illegal. That shit was awesome, but I didn't sleep for months...but I was the skinniest EVER!

Anyway- 2.8 pounds in one week is definately motivating. Ideally 16 more pounds would be awesome...BUT- that would put me at a weight I don't ever remember I'd settle for 11 more pounds. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!

love, mom

L said...

Way to go Ash! I thought about weight watchers too but decided against it. I actually started running this week, and I'm hoping I can keep that up because I'm feeling great. My memorial day beach weekend is a month and a half away and I want to lose at least 5 more pounds (10 would be ideal but I don't think I've weighed that since before puberty i.e. college and the pill). Keep it up!