Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Girl Crush.

Ok, forget Catherine Zeta-Jones, forget Heidi Klum...forget BEYONCE! (No, wait. I take that back. I can never forget my beloved Beyonce.)

I have a new girl crush. And by girl crush I mean a woman whom I'm insanely jealous of and want to be just like.

Every time I see Elisabetta Canalis in a tabloid, I think of how amazingly beautiful she is. And how George Clooney likes her. (I don't say "love" because I don't think George loves women. Well, maybe he loves WOMEN, but not any single one in particular. Don't ask me how I know these things about Georgey...we know each other in my head. Oh, and Up In the Air? Fab movie, but the ending sucked.)

And you totally have to respect the booty-grabbing going on down below. It takes some big cajones to grab George Clooney's ass in public. Grab it like you own it!! YES!!!

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