Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Random Blurbs.

This is going to be a quick post today because I have soooo much to try and get done before the Biggest Loser is on at 8:00, although I think I'll end up having to DVR it and watch it tomorrow.

In honor of Biggest Loser Tuesdays, as soon as I'm done with this post, I will be doing Jillian Michael's "Banish Fat Boost Metabolism" DVD. 56 minutes of strength-training hell. NOT looking forward to it...but I will do it anyway.

Speaking of diet/exercise, I started the South Beach Diet on Sunday, and when I woke up today, I hopped on the scale and saw I've lost 1 1/2 pounds. It totally motivated me, because I can't remember the last time I lost a pound or two. And I did it in less than two days? Thank you, South Beach! The first two weeks of the plan are very restrictive, and you're basically eating lean protein and veggies. No potatoes, fruit, bread, etc. for two weeks. So far I'm having no problem with it. I've been eating egg-white omelettes for breakfast, chicken salads for dinner, and some sort of protein and veggies for lunch. 13 1/2 more pounds to lose, and 12 more days before I start adding back in some carbs. The real test will come this weekend...because alcohol is STRICTLY forbidden for the first two weeks. Eek!

In other news, I feel like my dermatological problems are getting worse in some ways and better in others. I've been dutifully taking my prescription and using the lotion he gave me, and I feel like all of the wonderful gunk that's stuck deep down in my skin is surfacing. Thank God for makeup, is all I can say...because underneath? It's not a pretty sight. But the spots on my face that aren't breaking out? My skin is friggin gorgeous! Go figure. I go to a NEW, wonderful derm on Thursday, so we'll see what she says about the prescription old Frog Doc gave me three weeks ago.

In OTHER news, it looks like I may have some exciting stuff in the works...keep our fingers crossed for me!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Sissy!!!!!!! Is that milkshake really that good?

love, mom