Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Day!

The Mahoning Valley is bracing for a BIG snow storm. It's coming down hard right now, and we're going to get 5 inches by morning, and 5 more by Saturday afternoon. I HATE snow. I blame it on my dad. When I was a teenager, he would FREAK if I wanted to drive in a dusting of snow.
"You're CRAZY! You can't drive out there!! The roads are TREACHEROUS!!!!!"
"But dad, it's only flurrying!"
*Cue dad's head exploding here*

I also blame my irrational fear of driving in the snow from the last 5 years of living in northeast Ohio. I know I've said it time and time again, but they DO NOT plow here. I just watched a report on the news about how many O-DOT trucks they have ready and waiting, and how crews are gearing up to protect Valley residents. Ummm......? I think I can count on one hand how many plow trucks I've seen in the last five years here. ONE. HAND.

The worst of it is supposed to be coming down right when I'm driving to work tonight.

Who let me buy a Chevy Aveo?! It sucks in the snow. SUCKS!

Can you tell I'm freaking out a little?

My plans for this weekend? Watch season 3 of Entourage and apply for jobs in warmer places.

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