Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blame it On the Ancient Farmers...Duh.

Whelp. I knew it. Suspected those pesky ancient farmers all along.

Not me and my wasteful carbon footprint.

Suck it, Al Gore!


Anonymous said...

This just proves my point...scientists don't know crap about the planet and global warming. I personally am not willing to live in a cave or go without electricity etc because Al Gore and his evil cohorts want to get rich selling "carbon offsets" to gullible fools. I do value the true spirit of entreprenuership (sp?), but not at the expense of our country and it's citizens. Is that the reaction you expected? it was. You know me and politics!!!!!

love, mom

Steph said...

HAHAHA...common ash, he invented the internet. he knows everything! is it bad that i don't give a shit about my carbon footprint? infact.. global warming is a crock of shit... if he would pay attention to anything SCIENTIFIC, he would notice that the world indeed is cooling down. it happens.. it goes in a pattern over thousands of years. maybe we should tell him to watch the history and discovery channels.. maybe he'll say he invented those too..

didn't mean to go on a rant.. whoops.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Steph!!

Ash's mom