Thursday, August 20, 2009

Why Didn't I Invent These?

So, you know those cheesy catalogs you get in the mail with pages upon pages of the items you never thought you HAD TO HAVE until you see the too-good-to-pass-up prices?

Well, I got one in the mail yesterday. And it's already been decided that Felix (and maybe my dad and brother) will definately be seeing a pair of these under the tree:

Yes, they are lounge pants designed to look like your favorite pair of distressed jeans! AND AND AND....the bottoms look a little tapered. H-O-T ! ! !

And at the astronomically low price of $9.95, I might just get everyone TWO PAIRS!

Also, so my mom and sister and all my girl friends don't feel left out...I'm buying everyone a pair of these:

You can thank me later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you buy any of these are out of the family! The ball is now in your court. I guess we will find out how you really feel about us !!!!!!!!!!

love, mom