Monday, August 3, 2009

Shredding and Blackberries.

So, I told myself I wasn't going to use my BlackBerry the entire time I was at the beach, and as soon as we arrived at our hotel, I turned it off. I did really well all week and only turned it on once...and that was because I noticed my cell phone payment hadn't been deducted from my bank account, so I turned it on to see if I still had service...and I didn't. So I paid my bill and turned it back off. There were a few times i wanted to text people because I would see something that reminded me of them, but then as soon as I remembered my phone was off, I forgot about it. I never knew the time, either because I always look at my phone! But overall, not as bad as I thought!

Today is Day 4 of our 30 Day Shred Challenge, and everyone is doing great! Here are the people participating, and a few reasons why they've taken on the challenge.

"I'm doing this because I don't have the self discipline to stick with one thing. I've been slowly putting on weight since college, and I try a little of this and that, but nothing for me is a steady routine. I end up coming home from work with my mind set on working out for a half hour, but by the time I make dinner, and clean up, I'm exhausted and only end up taking the dog for a walk.I'm doing this to kick my ass in gear and maybe shred those pounds that have crept up through the last few years. I doing it to get into better shape and to boost my energy. Hopefully at the end of thirty days I'll want to keep up with it just to make myself feel good!And, I'll admit it... I'm hoping that I'll look pretty damn good in my clothes by the end of it.Maybe I'll even get to do real push ups..."
"I am doing this because I enjoy a good competition. I know this isn't a competition to see who can tone up the most or lose the most weight, but it's more a competition with myself fueled by other people. That was pretty deep. Mostly, I was getting bored with my current work out routine, I hate running (although I'm trying to psych myself up to do a 10K in Oct...not sure why), and its been too humid to do anything strenuous outdoors. I did the workout the last two days, and my quads are dying. I also realized how weak my upper body is because I have to do girly pushups and even they are a struggle. Also, I had to buy 3lb weights because I had 5s, thought I could do the work out with those, and I thought my arms were going to fall off. I. am. a. weakling."

"I'm ready to use the last full month of summer to really revv up my workout. Heading into the cooler months, its easier to start slacking off a bit, so, instead, I want to kick into full-gear for the last month. Looking forward to what the next 30 days has to bring."

"I've decided to take the 30 Day Shred Challenge because I've read phenomenal reviews online, and I desperately need to switch up my workout routine. I've lost a lot of momentum in the last 6 weeks or so, which has resulted in the re-gaining of a few pounds I have worked so hard to lose. I also, like Laura, like a challenge. I feel as though I'm less likely to slack off if I know there are four other girls doing the same thing as me. Plus, it gives me something to blog about! I've done other Jillian Michael's DVD's and they are KILLER...Good luck girls!"

"A lot of experts say you shouldn't want to lose weight for anyone but yourself. And while I completely agree with that, I'm *also* getting my butt into gear for people who are important in my life.My parents have known how hard I've been trying to lose weight for a few years now... Basically since I graduated from college. My mom and dad have been 100% supportive of my efforts - my dad even joined the McKeesport YMCA with me before I moved to California. Anyway, my parents are coming out to visit me in October, and I wanted to be in great shape for their arrival! Then there's the boyfriend. I've gotta stay in shape for him, so he's not dating a fat schlub. Anyway, I can't wait to start seeing the results of this workout! And now that I have 4 other girls doing it with me, it keeps me motivated. Good luck everyone, and have enjoy those side lunges and chest flies. "I could always use a good chest fly in my life..."

"I am excited to participate in the 30 Day Shred with you ladies, not only because I want to get in shape, but for the feeling of camaraderie with all of us staying consistent with the program. Hopefully we can encourage eachother along the way, or at least join in on bashing Miss Michaels' catch phrases and annoying voice. Just kidding, love you Jillian! Furthermore, as I am currently not gainfully employed, I should have absolutely *NO REASON* for not finding 20 minutes a day to do some shreddin'. Thanks for letting me join late in the game, Ash!"

****NOTE**** Being the good friend that I am (hardy har har), I let Leah join in on Day 3. So she'll continue doing level 1 with the rest of us, and begin level 2 when we do, etc. The more the merrier!!
So the next Shred Update will be after we've completed 10 days of Level 1. We're going to weigh and measure and hopefully be able to share some great results. I don't know if these girls know what they've gotten themselves into, with me being "in charge" of this Challenge. I've been Facebook messaging them constantly, nagging them to get their "homework" write-ups to me on time. Haha, I guess that's the television producer in me!

Happy Tuesday!


Steph said...

Hey Ash! I'm really proud of all of you for doing this! I definitely need a support of friends because I have gained a lot of weight since the wedding, which wasn't even two months ago! Keep up all of your hard work! Miss you!


Unknown said...

Gosh, we're already a group of hotties doing this workout routine. Imaging how georgeous we'll all be in about 27 days!

L said...

I can't wait to see how progressively whinier our little updates become as the work outs get harder. I am acutally a little scared of Jillian, and now totally respect the people on Biggest Loser. I don't know if I could handle her in person!

Andrea said...

I always feel like she's going to reach through the screen and punch me in the arm if I slow down to catch my breat! RAWR!