Friday, September 18, 2009

Fit Friday...maybe today I'll call it "Fat Friday"!!!

Damn, after working out for 30 days straight in August, I have TOTALLY gone downhill this month. Crazy work weeks, plus super busy weekends, plus fighting off colds and no motivation= LAZY.
I'm giving myself until Monday, then I'm going balls to the wall. I won't have any more excuses, except that I'll be working 10 hour days for two weeks, but that means I'm going into work at 9pm instead of 11pm, and there's no excuse for not having plenty of time to workout before that.
I think I also have to incorporate more fun workouts. Jillian Michaels' workouts are TOUGH,but what good are they if you dread doing them? I'm also done being so hard on myself for every mistake I make. If I slip up and eat a donut? Whoops, tomorrow is another day. I'm done beating myself up for enjoying life. So from here on out, I'm aiming for workouts I enjoy, and a balanced diet that includes a treat or two...or three. I've been trying to lose the same ten pounds for the last year, and it ain't happening, so something I'm doing now isn't working!

Aaaand since I haven't been very "fit" this week, I'm half-assing this Fit Friday, too. Maybe next week I'll feel more motivated. BLAH.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I lived the same week!! I lost a pound, but I think the Lord gave me a "lift" when I stood on the scale. I guess I will go "balls to the wall" too. Yikes!!!

love, mom