Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Music Monday and More!!!

Ok first things first. Last night I logged onto Facebook before work and everyone had a status update saying rapper Kanye West was a jerk, and poor Taylor Swift, and blah blah blah. I had no idea what the hype was about, so I did a little investigating reporting and saw that Kanye did this to poor Taylor while she was giving her acceptance speech for her very first ever VMA Award:

Poor Taylor. Later in the show, when Beyonce won "Video of the Year", instead of giving an acceptance speech, she called up Taylor Swift so she could have a do-over, saying she remembers what a big night it was for her when she was nominated for her first VMA award at 17-years old. Yet another reason why I love Beyonce. She's one classy bitch.

Anyway, after that debacle, today's Happy Music Monday goes out to Taylor Swift!! Here's her performance last night, just a few minutes after Kanye was a Creep:

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