Monday, November 9, 2009


I'm skipping happy music Monday today, because it's just not a happy Monday. It's not a TERRIBLE Monday (as far as I can tell at 7:23 AM), but it's just not happy.

Ever have one of those days when your alarm is set early but you think about what you have to do that day and you just can't bring yourself to get out of bed?

That was me this morning.

I had my alarm set for 6:00 AM. I'm on day shift this week, and have to be ready and out the door at 9:00 AM to go to the front office of our apartment building when it opens. I'm putting in our 30 Day Notice that we're moving out..and I'm going to look at a couple 1 bedroom apartments and pray they're not hideous for the price. And hoping they'll let me sign a 3-month lease. And hoping they have some available. It's just such a daunting task. My alarm went off and I just thought, "Crap." I managed to lay in bed for another hour, putting off the inevitable.

So keep your fingers crossed for me, folks! It's supposed to be sunny and 71 today, so I'd like to enjoy my day if at all possible. If I have to find a new place to live, I'd rather it be sunny and warm instead of freezing and miserable!