Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rough Patches.

I try not to get too overly personal with this blog, because I don't want anything to ever come around and bite me in the ass, or regret posting something online, but it's time for me to vent.
Felix and I are going through a really rough patch right now. Neither one of us did anything (no one cheated or anything horrible like that), but we're just having our doubts about being together. Like I said, I don't want to go into too much detail, but have any of you ever been through a rough patch with your significant other? How did you get through it? There isn't a lack of love, it's just like we've come to kind of a crossroads and we need to decide if we're gonna throw in the towel or work it out. Any advice?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My advice is to figure out what it is YOU want. Take your time and make a rational decision. I know that can be difficult when love is involved, but it is the best way. I am here for you Hunca

love, mom