Saturday, October 24, 2009

Extra Saturday Post: My Very Talented Little Sister.

For those of you (meaning...none of you) who thoroughly enjoy my "Caturday" posts, look below. I had to post this as well, though. My mom it to me. My little sister Morgan (who will be 11 in December) was on my mom's work computer the other day, and this is a story she started writing. Am I biased, or is she seriously talented? especially for ten years old?!

“Hey are you going to the haunted corn maze tonight?” Bryan asked. Cara looked at her friend shocked. “Me? Go to a corn maze? Never!” Cara said. She flipped her long brown hair. “Sorry just asking! Sheesh!” Bryan said. Cara rolled her eyes. “Oh look Tracy!” Cara said changing the subject. “Hey Cara. Hey Bryan.” Tracy said. “That haunted corn maze looks so cool!” Cara looked shocked. “Oh no not you too!” Cara groaned. Tracy looked at Cara and said, “What? Why are you so against corn mazes?” Cara shrugged. The three friends walked down the hall. “Have a good afternoon girls.” Mr. Patterson said. The two girls smiled. Bryan just kept walking. When they got to the bus stop it wasn’t long until the bus came. The kids got on the bus and waited to get home.
Cara stepped off the dirty bus and walked up her driveway. She turned and waved to Bryan and Tracy. They didn’t notice her. Typical, Cara thought to herself. Cara’s dad was waiting for her at the door. “Hi Cara.” He said. “How was school today?” Cara dropped her book bag on the kitchen table. “Fine.” She said. “ Bryan and Tracy really want me to go to that haunted corn maze.” Her dad walked inside. “Well why don’t you go then?” he asked puzzled. Cara crossed her arms. “Cause corn mazes are dumb.” She said. She uncrossed her arms. “Cara you’ve never been to a haunted corn maze. You’ve only been to the one for little kids. You know the one your sister Madison loves.” Her dad said with emphasizes on haunted and little. Madison walked into the room. “Hi sissy!!” the four year old said ready for a hug. Cara hugged her little sister.


Anonymous said...

Will of course she is talented...all of my little chicks are!!

love, mom

Anonymous said...

what happens next???
