Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So today is only my 2nd day of dayshift, but my first day was awe-some. Now, let's preface this with the fact that, according to everyone I work with, yesterday was a SLOW, EASY day. But I honestly don't think I'd care if I was running my ass off for 8 hours. Why? Because I. AM. TEMPORARILY. NORMAL.
I know some of you who read this work the night shift, too. Maybe you're not as miserable as I am doing it, but I'm sooooo over it. I want a day shift job. I don't care how long someone works the night shift. It's NOT normal and your body NEVER gets used to it.
It was so weird yesterday. I was getting off work when OTHER people were getting off work. There was TRAFFIC.
I was even cheerful yesterday when I had to PAY to park (Felix gave me money for parking for the week. What a gem, huh?), and then walk two blocks to the station, THROUGH THE LINE OF HOMELESS PEOPLE LINED UP AT THE FOOD BANK. I smiled, waved, said hello. Really. The reaction was actually not too bad. Most people seemed surprised I was talking to them, and smiled and said hello back.
Alright, I'm off to drink another cup of coffee, finish watching DVR'd Rachel Zoe, and then work out. You know, stuff a normal person does.


Patrick said...

Yes, some of us also work nights. No, none of us are more used to it than you. I've been on nights for over 2 1/2 straight years at ESPN, as have most of the people I work alongside. Nobody likes it, nobody's used to it.

I appreciate seeing the sunrise, I just hate that it's when I'm going to bed. I appreciate not having to deal with traffic, I just hate that it's because everyone else already drove home drunk. I appreciate not having to wait in line for food at the cafe, I just hate that I only have 2 options compared to the 3,042 that normal people get during the day. I appreciate being able to stay up and drink until 5AM, I just hate that I usually am the only one left, because everyone else is NORMAL.

Working nights sucks (and has been proven to increase your likelihood of getting cancer.) Enjoy your vacation to Normaltown, USA Ash.

skittle365 said...

Pat, why don't you have your own blog??

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are enjoying work these 2 weeks. Perhaps the guy you are working for will be kidnapped by aliens and you will get a promotion!! lol..I hate working overnights. I get really tired, cold, iritable and HUNGRY!!

love, mom

Unknown said...

I'm with your mom.