Friday, October 16, 2009

Large Coffee, Cream & Sugar.

Does anyone remember the post I had a few months ago about Legless driving down the street, in traffic, across a bridge, on his little scooter? No? Ok.
So, there's this man, I think he's an Army veteran, who drives EVERYWHERE around our neighborhood on one of those Rascal Scooters. He doesn't have legs, hence the ever-so-creative nickname Legless. A few months ago, Felix saw him sitting in a red light of a busy intersection IN TRAFFIC. He took a picture, and I posted it.
Well, yesterday on my way to work I went through the drive-thru at Dunkin Donuts (medium iced vanilla latte lite, please!), and this was in front of me:

Legless went through the drive thru in the POURING rain, ordered a large coffee, stuck it in a basket underneath his scooter, and scooted off down the sidewalk.

Has anyone else ever seen a Legless man going through a drive-thru on a RASCAL?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have to admire this guy. He does not let his disability slow him down. I will bet he is braver than most of us!!

love, mom

try to find out how Skillet is, you know how I worry!? ha