Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Music Monday!!!

I like the idea I started last week about asking friends about what song makes them happy. This week, I asked my friend Pat, and he out did himself. Not only did he give me a song, he also wrote this to explain why:

"I've spent a lot of time in the city recently, and I know that's where I want to be. This song manages to personify NYC in a way that not many have before. I want there to be more to my life than there is right now, and I know I could find that in NYC. I thought if I "made it" at ESPN I could make it anywhere, but NYC is a totally different level of life. I don't know if I could make it there, I don't know how it would change me as a person. I've never lived in a big city in my life, but I want the lifestyle, I want the atmosphere. I've met some amazing people in NYC, and this song brings me back to the time I've spent there, the people I've met, the memories I've made. This song is an escape from the small CT town I'm living in, and the inadequate social life I'm living. This song lets me know there's more out there."


Stephanie said...

only pat... aww pat, if you read this, i miss you!!!

and ash, should we make that our theme song for our trip in december??

Patrick said...

haha of COURSE I'll read this, I read everything on here, whether or not I comment often. miss ya too steph!

if you girls want to make this your theme song for december, i'll have to first send you a checklist of dumb shit you have to do while in the city. it involves a policewoman, 2 germans, a stand-up comedian, a scottish bartender, and trips to tribeca, lower east side, and the west end. let me know if you're interested.

Patrick said...

...and unfortunately it also involves breaking (bending?) at least 3 laws that may get you put in jail for the night. I'll email you guys the details about this.

skittle365 said...

Unfortunately, Pat...I feel as though Felix and Rich might be that "filter" that prevents us from doing TOO many dumb things while in New York:)
And I'm waiting for that email with all your crazy stories! Glad you had fun though and made lots of memories:)