Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Time to Vent.

I REALLY need to vent a little here. I wish I could go into more detail, but for the sake of my job, I can't.

so there's this person who thrives on hatred. I just don't get it. It's poison. I feel like it's such a complete waste of time and energy to HATE someone so much. There are plenty of people I dislike, so what do I do? I don't talk to them. Or I vent to my mom, or a close friend. I don't spew hatred out of my mouth to anyone who will listen. It's uncalled for and it's NOT HEALTHY. It's also completely unprofessional. I'm sick of hearing the same stories over and over and hearing the same insults, one after another. GET A LIFE. It makes me wonder what happened to this person in the past that makes he/she so mean now. And even if he/she HAS been through alot, I'm sorry but it's not an excuse to be a hateful person. We've all been through some shit, and you overcome it. You don't dwell on it, and you don't let it simmer and fester. You try and get over it. I used to feel sorry for this person, but anymore I'm just done. DONE. I avoid contact with this person at all cost, but trust me, given my work situation, I can't avoid them completely. It's gotten to the point lately where I dread coming into work because it's turned into such a toxic environment. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ok, I'm done venting. Sorry 'bout that.

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