Thursday, December 10, 2009

Crap Post.

Today's post is a post just for the sake of getting in my daily post. I'm having a girl's night Ugly Sweater Christmas Party/ Housewarming tomorrow night, and I'm running around the apartment, frantically trying to unpack the last of my crap and clean up a little bit. I also have to go into work at 9:00 tonight (Boo, long nights...yay overtime!) and still have to do a bajillion things. At least I'm busy. Although, I'd be less busy if I could manage to get my ass out of bed before 4:30 pm. It seems to just take so much effort to face the day lately, when I'd rather just hide under my covers. I know that feeling will pass...hopefully sooner than later.

But anyway, here's my post. Love it.

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