Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Music Monday!!!

I don't know what it is about Lady GaGa that I just love. She's a freak. An absolute freak. But maybe ya gotta respect her a little for having the balls to do some of the stuff she does. Anway, I know Leah has sent me a bunch of music to listen to, but I haven't had the time to listen (I spend a lot of time laying in my bed feeling sorry for myself...maybe I should start bringing my laptop...). ANYWAY- in honor of me getting my ass back in the gym today and stopping feeling sorry for myself, I'm posting "Bad Romance" by Lady GaGa. When I had been going to the gym faithfully and working on the Couch to 5K running program, this song really pumped me up...sooo hopefully when I head back today, it'll do that same! Happy Monday!

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