Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When it Rains... it Pours.

I feel like shit. S-H-I-T. I have the worst cold in the world, and I feel like my throat is going to swell closed at any moment. I took some Nyquil Tuesday morning and headed to bed around 8:00 am. I woke up at 11:00 a.m and I literally couldn't swallow, my throat was so swollen. So, in my foggy-headed oblivion, I remember going into the bathroom, grabbing 4 ibuprophen, stumbling downstairs to the fridge, and chugging them down with some lemonade Vitamin Water 10. I fell back asleep and woke up again about an hour and a half later, and my throat wasn't nearly as sore, so I think the massive amounts of pain killers helped. I've been taking Dayquil and Nyquil every 8 hours or so, but I feel like it completely dries my sinuses out..and I hate that. Add in PMS and the stress of moving, and you have one VERY unhappy Ashley.

Anyway- speaking of moving, I picked up my keys Tuesday and managed to haul two car loads of small stuff over to the new place before my cold kicked me into submission. Felix came home from work and I was curled up on the recliner, staring blankly at the TV, begging him to go get me soup from Panera. Obviously, he didn't. That, in turn, made me angry, and I avoided him the rest of the evening. We have less than two more days of living together, and we've been getting along for the last 4 weeks, so I'm not going to let my crappy mood ruin the cordial attitude we've had with each other in the last two days.

On a positive note, I called my gas company yesterda, because I was looking at my bill and realized we had a $3 credit on our account, which means I don't have to pay the $115 bill this Friday like I thought I did. That gives me money to buy lamps for my new place (turns out, the light switches are wired to wall outlets, and if you want any light in the living room or bedroom you gotta get some lamps. Felix bought the ones that are in the apartment now, so they're going with him, and that leaves me with no light). Also, Felix already gave me the $50 bucks for his half of the gas bill. I was trying to tell myself it would be ok to just keep his money, and that he'd never know I didn't have to pay this month's bill, but karma got the best of me and I confessed and gave him his money back. Sigh. Sometimes I wish I could be more malicious.

Look for Sivillo's guest-bogging post tomorrow! I haven't seen it yet, so I'm hoping it's gonna be a good one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better and you should have kept the 50.00. Well probably you did the right thing, but you should have kept it!!

love, mom