Saturday, June 13, 2009

Beaches in Ohio? Hmmm....

Northeast Ohio apparently has a TON of lakes that people basically spend their summers at...boating, camping, picnicing, etc. I've lived here for FOUR years and have NEVER been to one of these many lakes. Why, you may ask?

I don't believe in "beach lakes". The only beach I deem worthy of visiting is the actual ocean. Lakes are dirty and snakey and muddy and yuck. Not that the ocean isn't, but I don't go in the ocean, either. But it's darn beautiful to look at while you're relaxing poolside by your hotel. That being said, Felix and I are sucking up our dislike for bodies of water that are not the ocean, and heading to Craig Beach with some friends today.

Their argument was rather convincing...Grilling out, laying in the sun, and playing cornhole. For those of you not familiar with cornhole (I had NEVER heard it called this until I moved to Ohio), check out the American Cornhole Association's website. I'm just gonna get it out in the open right now, MY take on the word "cornhole" comes from the mid-to-late 90's and Beavis and Butthead...ok, ok!! DON'T MAKE ME SAY IT. I always thought "cornhole" was a term for anal sex. GROSS! And to think there is an actual "American Cornhole Association" makes me giggle. Alot. Sue me. "Hi, I'm Ashley, and I'm a member of the American Cornhole Association." HA!!!

Now that we've gotten that awkwardly out of the way, I'm proud to say Felix and I very well might be the cornhole champions of northeastern Ohio (stop giggling and get your head out of the gutter). We play whenever we get the chance, and we're really good. So, if you say there's gonna be cornhole, chances are we'll drop other plans in order to play.

So, I'd like to think I'm broadening my horizons today by going to this place locals here call the beach. I'll let you know how it goes.


Anonymous said...

I am so proud? My daughter aspires to be the cornhole champ of Ohio.

love, mom

The Gilligans said...

Ok, so I am going to was VERY uncomfortable for me to read the start of your "cornhole" know me, anything dealing with sex and discussing it openly embarasses me GREATLY! However, as I read on I had to laugh because I too had NO idea what cornhole was until two weekends ago when I went to Long Island and my brother in law said something about it. Yea, I felt like an a** being from western PA and having no clue. But, now I do! Anyways, congrats on being the OH champs! Be proud! Haha!